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USAID Assistance to Central African Republic


(202) 712-4320



February 27, 2003


BUDGET (in '000s) FY 2001
FY 2002
FY 2003
Economic Support Fund $ 0 $ 400 TBD
PL 480 Title II $ 244 $ 760 TBD
Democracy and Human Rights Fund $ 29 $ 65 TBD
Special Self-Help Fund $ 59 $ 64 TBD
TOTAL $ 332 $ 1,289 TBD

Note: USAID has no office in this country, and there is no direct U.S. assistance program. However, the U.S. has a number of regional or worldwide programs, which indirectly benefit Central African Republic (CAR). These programs are monitored in USAID/Washington and from the USAID/Ghana office in Accra.


Economic Support Fund (ESF): ESF was established to promote economic and political stability in strategically important regions. In CAR, ESF provides assistance to procure broadcasting equipment for an independent radio, as well as strengthens CAR's national legislative assembly and supports training of magistrates and court clerks.

Public Law 480 Title II (PL 480): Nearly 800 million in the world are "food insecure," and many live in sub-Saharan Africa. Chronic poverty, the persistent lack of economic opportunity either to produce adequate amounts of food or to exchange labor for income needed to purchase food in adequate amounts, is the chief cause of food insecurity. USAID, through funding provided by PL 480 makes commodity donations to cooperating sponsors, such as the World Food Program (WFP), to address the needs of food security through emergency food assistance. The WFP continues to be responsive to heightened food security needs in CAR.

Democracy and Human Rights Fund (DHRF): USAID supports a grants program which provides assistance to indigenous organizations that implement short-term, highly targeted country-level activities in support of human rights and democratic institutions. In CAR, DHRF supports activities by local human rights groups, such as CIFAD-Centrafrique, GEPPOIP Press Group, and the Central African Human Rights League.

Special Self-Help (SSH) Fund: SSH supports community-based development activities that have an immediate impact. In CAR, SSH provided equipment for sewing training centers, funded construction of additions to village health units, provided materials to women's groups for chicken raising activities, renovated a solar power system at an educational center, provided materials to a blind school for a soap making activity and provided food processing and conservation equipment for a women's training center.

Central African Regional Program for the Environment (CARPE): CARPE works to reduce deforestation and encourage bio-diversity in the nine countries comprising the Congo Basin, which includes the Central African Republic. In southwest of the country, CARPE supports community based environmental activities in the Dzanga-Sangha Special Forest Reserve involving the World Wildlife Federation, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, NASA, and the U.S. Forest Service.

Education: The Education for Development and Democracy Initiative (EDDI) supports the efforts by local non-governmental organizations to encourage girls to remain in school and college. In CAR, EDDI supports girls' mentoring activities and continuing educational scholarships for girls selected by their community leaders.

The U.S. Agency for International Development has provided economic and humanitarian assistance worldwide for more than 40 years.
