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Does NIST provide grants/awards for research in my field?

Grants/awards supporting research at industry, academic, and other institutions are available on a competitive basis through several different Institute offices. For general information on NIST grants programs, contact Joyce Brigham, (301) 975-6329.

Advanced Technology Program-- Provides multi-year, co-funding for high-risk, high-payoff civilian technology development by individual companies and industry-led joint ventures.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership-- Provides co-funding for locally based extension centers where smaller manufacturers can receive technology and business assistance.

Small Business Innovation Research Program -- Funds proposals by small businesses for research and development efforts that fall within areas recommended yearly by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Precision Measurement Grants -- Supports researchers in U.S. colleges and universities for experimental and theoretical studies of fundamental physical phenomena. Contact: Barry Taylor, (301) 975-4220.

Fire Research Grants -- Sponsors research by academic institutions, non-federal government agencies, and independent and industrial laboratories that supports NIST's fire research laboratory programs. Contact: Sonja Parham, (301) 975-6854.

Standard Reference Data Grants -- Supports research at academic, industrial, and other non-federal institutions to critically evaluate data in chemistry, physics, and materials properties. Subject to funding availability. Contact: John Rumble, (301) 975-2200.

Materials Science and Engineering Grants -- Supports work in polymers, ceramics, metallurgy, and neutron scattering and spectroscopy research at academic, industrial, and other non-federal institutions. Subject to funding availability. Contact: Patty Salpino, (301) 975-5735.

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Date created: 9/6/00
Last updated: 3/2/01

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