U.S. Census Bureau
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  Census >ACS Home > Using the Data > Quality Measures

Using the Data Main

Understanding Change Profiles

Subject Definitions

Accuracy of the Data

Quality Measures
 >Sample Size:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Coverage Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Response Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions
 >Item Allocation Rates:
     > Data
     > Definitions


Geography Explanation

Past Notices ACS

Past Notices Suppl. Surveys


The quality measures provided in this section illustrate the steps the Census Bureau takes to ensure that ACS survey data are accurate and reliable.

  1. How large was the sample used to produce the ACS estimates?

    Sample Size:    

    Sample Size Definitions

  2. How well does the ACS cover the population?

    Coverage Rates:    

    Coverage Rates Definitions

  1. What was the response to the survey?

    Response Rates:    

    Response Rates Definitions

  2. How complete were the data used to produce a specific estimate?

    Item Allocation Rates:    

    Item Allocation Rates Definitions
The ACS produces survey data each year to measure key social, economic, and housing characteristics about the U.S. population. The four questions above identify four important aspects of survey quality. These quality measures are produced annually to accompany each ACS data release and describe the quality of those data. The quality measures are available at national and state levels. Clicking on "definitions" will provide additional information on each of these measures, including why the measure is important and how it was calculated.


Source: U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey Office

Last revised: Tuesday August 24, 2004

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