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How do I order a publication from NIST?

NIST/NBS publications are sold by the Government Printing Office (GPO) and by the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). To purchase a NIST publication you must have the order number. Order numbers are available from the NIST Public Inquiries Unit at (301) 975-NIST. Mailing address: NIST Public Inquiries, NIST, 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 3460, Gaithersburg, Md., 20899-3460.

Titles of NIST/NBS publications are also included in the online catalog of the NIST Virtual Library. This listing includes all holdings of the NIST library, not just NIST publications.

If you have a GPO stock number, you can purchase printed copies of NIST/NBS publications from GPO. They will accept check, money order, VISA, Mastercard, or Discover, or you can establish a deposit account. Orders should be sent to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402-9325. For more information, or to place an order, call (202) 512-1800, fax: (202) 512-2250.

NTIS can supply microfiche or a paper copy from microfiche. Orders including an order number should be sent to NTIS, Springfield, Va. 22161. NTIS will accept check, money order, VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, or deposit account payments. For more information, call (703) 605-6000. Place orders on (800)553-6847, fax: (703) 605-6900, or see

Photoduplicated copies of many old NBS publications can be purchased from the Library of Congress. Write to the Photoduplication Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20540, call (202) 707-5640, fax: (202) 707-1771, email:

NIST publishes the bimonthly Journal of Research. Subscriptions are available from the Government Printing Office for $31 per year, call, (202) 512-1800, fax: (202) 512-2250. Recent issues are online at

The Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data is published jointly by NIST and the American Institute of Physics. Subscriptions to the bimonthly journal and separately published graphs and supplements can be ordered from the American Institute of Physics, Circulation and Fulfillment Division, Suite 1NO1,2 Huntington Quadrandgle, Melville, NY 11747-4502. For more information, see

NIST/NBS publications may be available at a depository library for government publications. Your local library should be able to identify the nearest depository library.

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See also: A-Z Subject Index, NIST Home Page

Date created: 9/6/00
Last updated: 3/2/01

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