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  Data Through: 2001
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Back Issues of Electric Sales and Revenue

Current Contact: Rodney Dunn - 202/287-1676
Linda Bromley - 202/287-1748
2001 054001.pdf
2000 054000.pdf
1999 054099.pdf
1998 054098.pdf
1997 054097.pdf
1996 054096.pdf
1995 054095.pdf
1994 054094.pdf

Note: In the Electric Sales and Revenue 2000 publication, there are new data presented on the cost of delivery services provided by traditional distribution utilities to customers who selected alternate energy suppliers in State-level "retail wheeling" programs (see Appendix C). This year we have also combined data for both fully bundled and unbundled customers in Table 1, and in supporting charts (Tables 1a through 1d). The EIA has also provided a "balancing-line" adjustment in Appendix C, which corrects probable underreporting of sales data in the four States of California, Massachusetts, Montana, and New York (see the discussion and footnotes in Appendix C for further details). Data for fully bundled customers, provided service by a single distribution utility, are still shown separately in Tables 2 through 17 as in previous issues.