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Geothermal Milestones

Early 1900s First geothermal electricity commercialization Conversion of high-grade hydrothermal resources to electricity began in Italy in the early 1900s.
1960 U.S. commercialization The first commercial-scale development tools were placed at The Geysers in California, a 10-megawatt unit owned by Pacific Gas & Electric.
1970 Reinjection of geothermal fluids Injection of spent geothermal fluids back into the production zone began as a means to dispose of waste water and maintain reservoir life.
1972 Deep well drilling Technology improvements led to deeper reservoir drilling and access to more resources.
1977 Hot dry rock demonstrated In 1977, scientists developed the first hot dry rock reservoir at Fenton Hill, New Mexico.
1978 Federal research and development (R&D;) funding exceeds $100 million U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding for geothermal research and development was $106.2 million (1995 dollars) in fiscal year 1978, marking the first time the funding level surpassed $100 million. It remained above $100 million until fiscal year 1982, when it was reduced to $56.4 million (1995 dollars). Currently, the budget is in the $30 million to $40 million range.
1978 Public Utility
Regulatory Policies
PURPA mandated the purchase of electricity from qualifying facilities (QFs) meeting certain technical standards regarding energy source and efficiency. PURPA also exempted QFs from both State and Federal regulation under the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Holding Company Act.
1980 First commercial
binary system
The first commercial-scale binary plant in the United States, installed in Southern California's Imperial Valley, began operation in 1980.
1980s California Standard Offer Contracts California's Standard Offer Contract system for PURPA QFs provided renewable electric energy systems a relatively firm and stable market for output, allowing the financing of such capital-intensive technologies as geothermal energy facilities.
1982 Hydrothermal
generating capacity
of 1,000 megawatts
Geothermal (hydrothermal) electric generating capacity, primarily utility-owned, reached a new high level of 1,000 megawatts.
1989 Geopressured power plant demonstrated In 1989, DOE and the Electric Power Research Institute operated a 1-megawatt demonstration plant in Texas, extracting methane and heat from brine liquids.
1990 Drop in Federal
funding for
geothermal R&D;
to $15 million
DOE funding for geothermal energy research and development declined throughout the 1980s, reaching its low point in fiscal year 1990.
1991 Magma drilling
project reaches a
depth of 7,588 feet
The world's first magma exploratory well was drilled in the Sierra Nevada Mountains to a depth of 7,588 feet. It did not encounter magma at that depth inside the caldera.
1994 Industry consolidates and looks at new markets California Energy became the world's largest geothermal company through its acquisition of Magma Power. Near-term international markets gained the interest of U.S. geothermal developers.
1985-95 Capacity outside
The Geysers exceeds 1,000 megawatts
Since 1985, U.S. geothermal developers have added nearly 1,000 megawatts of geothermal electric generating capacity outside The Geysers.
1995 Worldwide
geothermal capacity
of 6,000 megawatts
Worldwide geothermal capacity currently totals 6,000 megawAtts in 20 countries.