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Monday, March 1, 2004
Jennifer de Vallance, ONDCP 202-395-6648
Craig Stevens, HHS 202-690-6637
FDA Press Office 301-827-6242
Will Glaspy, DEA 202-307-7977

U.S. Drug Prevention, Treatment, Enforcement Agencies Take on "Doctor Shoppers," "Pill Mills"

White House's National Drug Control Strategy Focuses on Prescription Drug Safety


2004 National Drug Control Strategy


Reducing Prescription Drug Abuse Fact Sheet (PDF)

Bullet To order up to five copies of the Strategy, send an e-mail to the ONDCP Clearinghouse.

(Washington) - For the first time, the Bush Administration will carry out a coordinated drug strategy to confront the illegal diversion and abuse of prescription drugs. Today, President Bush's "Drug Czar," John Walters, joined FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan, DEA Administrator Karen Tandy, Surgeon General Dr. Richard Carmona, and Representative Tom Davis to release the President's National Drug Control Strategy, which outlines the extent of prescription drug abuse in the United States and new Federal programs designed to address the problem.

Director Walters said, "The non-medical use of prescription drugs has become an increasingly widespread and serious problem in this country; one that calls for immediate action. The Federal government is embarking on a comprehensive effort to ensure that potentially addictive medications are dispensed and used safely and effectively."

Recent data indicates that prescription drug abuse, particularly of opioid pain killers, has increased at an alarming rate over the last ten years:

  • Non-medical use of narcotic pain relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and sedatives ranks second (behind marijuana) as a category of illicit drug abuse among adults and youth;
  • In 2002, 6.2 million Americans were current abusers of prescription drugs;
  • 13.7 percent of youth between the ages of 12 and 17 have abused prescription drugs at least once in their lifetimes; and
  • Emergency room visits resulting from narcotic pain relievers abuse have increased 163 percent since 1995.

More than 10 million Americans suffer from chronic pain. The Strategy seeks to balance the need for effective pain management therapies with the prevention of misuse, abuse, and diversion of psychotherapeutic drugs.

"Many Americans benefit from the appropriate use of prescription pain killers, but, when abused, they can be as addictive and dangerous as illegal drugs," Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy G. Thompson said. "This new, coordinated Federal initiative will help us stop and prevent prescription drug abuse, and the harm it can cause."

The National Drug Control Strategy brings the efforts of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), federal substance abuse prevention and treatment agencies, and law enforcement to bear on the factors contributing to rising prescription drug abuse. The Strategy incorporates education of medical professionals and consumers, outreach to businesses involved in Internet commerce, pharmaceutical manufacturers, and pharmacies, as well as increased investigation and enforcement activities. New programs include:

  • Careful consideration of labeling and commercial promotion of opiate drug products;
  • Ensuring wider dissemination of education and training on appropriate pain management and opioid treatment procedures for physicians authorized to prescribe controlled substances;
  • Increasing the number of state Prescription Monitoring Programs, which detect suspicious prescriptions and individuals redeeming prescriptions from multiple physicians ("doctor shopping") to identify abusers; and
  • Using web crawler/data mining technology to identify, investigate and prosecute "pill mills" - Internet pharmacies that provide controlled substances illegally.

"When used correctly, opioids play a very important role in the management of pain. FDA's job is to maximize the potential benefits that patients receive from these drugs, while, at the same time, minimizing the risks associated with these products," said FDA Commissioner Mark B. McClellan, M.D., Ph.D. "FDA takes its responsibility in meeting this challenge very seriously."

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), in conjunction with the FDA, will implement additional investigative efforts and enforcement actions against the illegal sale, use, or diversion of controlled substances, including those occurring over the Internet. Many of these e-pharmacies are foreign-based and expose the purchaser to potentially counterfeit, contaminated, or adulterated products.

"Criminals who divert legal drugs into the illegal market are no different from a cocaine or heroin dealer peddling poisons on the street corner," said DEA Administrator Karen Tandy. "DEA is aggressively working to put an end to this illicit practice whether it occurs in doctors' offices or cyberspace, and ensure the integrity of our medical system."

Because agencies, organizations, and individuals at the state and local level are uniquely positioned to quickly identify and respond to prescription drug diversion and abuse trends, the Strategy seeks to create and extend collaborative efforts outside of the Federal government.

"Drug abuse, in all its forms, is a societal issue that demands societal solutions," Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S., said. "By engaging health professionals, families, and support groups we can provide assistance to people of all ages and from all walks of life who may be at risk, and help those who have already fallen victim to an addiction recover."

Congress is actively working to address prescription drug diversion, as well. "The many positive trends that Director Walters reported in this year's National Drug Control Strategy demonstrate the difference the office can make when strong and effective leadership combines with sound policy," House Government Reform Committee Chairman Tom Davis said. "I'm particularly pleased that this year's Strategy tackles the difficult issue of prescription drug abuse. I have actively followed this issue, and plan to introduce legislation soon to address the illegal and potentially deadly sale of prescription drugs over the Internet. The Internet creates an easy environment for illegitimate pharmacy sites to bypass traditional regulations and established safeguards. My legislation addresses these issues and makes it difficult for unlawful prescribing to occur."

The President's 2005 budget requests $138 million for diversion control programs. The National Drug Control Strategy seeks to reduce illegal drug use by 10 percent in two years and by 25 percent in five years. To achieve these goals, the Strategy employs a balanced and comprehensive approach of stopping drug use before it starts, healing America's drug users, and disrupting the market for illegal drugs. Since announcing the goals in 2002, national surveys indicate that drug use among youth has decreased 11 percent, confirming the wisdom of a balanced strategy with appropriate emphasis on prevention, treatment, and enforcement.

Last Updated: March 2, 2004

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