NOAAVents ProgramAcoustics Program
  Monitoring the global ocean through underwater acoustics
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  Acoustic Monitoring Program: Publications  

Publications by year:
2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 |1997 |1996 |1995 |1994 |1993 |1992 | 1991


Cont. #2557

Mellinger, Dave. 2002. Future directions for acoustic marine mammal surveys: Stock assessment and habitat use. NOAA OAR Special Report, November 20-22, 2002 Workshop. Download PDF reprint of this publication here


Cont. # 2248

Stafford, K.M., S.L. Nieukirk and C.E. Fox. 2001. Geographic and seasonal variation of blue whale calls in the North Pacific. J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 3(1):65-76. Download PDF reprint of this publication here

Cont #: 2308

Dziak, R.P. (2001): Empirical relationship of T-wave energy and fault parameters of northeast Pacific Ocean earthquakes. Geophys. Res. Lett. [In preparation].  
Cont #: 2306
Johnson, H.P., R.P. Dziak, C. Fisher, C.G. Fox, and M.J. Pruis (2001): Earthquakes influence distant hydrothermal vents: The far-field and long-delayed responses. Eos, Trans. AGU [In preparation].  
Cont #: 2242
Dziak, R.P., C.G. Fox, A.M. Bobbitt, and C. Goldfinger (2001): Bathymetric map of the Gorda Plate: Structural and geomorphological processes inferred from multibeam surveys. Mar. Geophys. Res. [Submitted].
Cont #: 2289
Dziak, R.P. and C.G. Fox (2001): Evidence of harmonic tremor from a submarine volcano detected across the Pacific Ocean basin. J. Geophys. Res. [Submitted].  
Cont #: 2292
Caplan-Auerbach, A., C.G. Fox, and F.K. Duennebier (2001): Hydroacoustic detection of submarine landslides on Kilauea Volcano. Geophys. Res. Lett. [In press].  


Cont #: 2228
Fox, C.G., H. Matsumoto, and T.-K.A. Lau (2000): Monitoring Pacific Ocean seismicity from an autonomous hydrophone array. J. Geophys. Res. [Accepted].  
Cont #: 2248
Stafford, K.M., S.L. Nieukirk, and C.G. Fox (2000): Geographic and seasonal variation of blue whale calls in the North Pacific. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management [Submitted].
Cont #: 1974
Dziak, R.P., C.G. Fox, R.W. Embley, J.L. Nabelek, J. Braunmiller, and R.A. Koski (2000): Recent tectonics of the Blanco Ridge, Eastern Blanco Transform Fault Zone. Mar. Geophys. Res., 21(5), 423–450.

Cont #: 2204
Fox, C.G. (2000): U.S. NOAA underwater acoustic environmental monitoring efforts. Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA2000, M.E. Zakharia, P. Chevret, and P. Dubail (eds.), Lyon, France, 2000, 749–754.  

Cont #: 2167
Johnson, H.P., H. Hutnak, R.P. Dziak, C.G. Fox, I. Urcuyo, C. Fisher, J.P. Cowen, and J. Nabelek (2000): Earthquake-induced changes in a hydrothermal system at the Endeavour Segment; Juan de Fuca Ridge. Nature, 407, 174–177.  

Cont #: 2218
Orcutt, J., E. Bernard, C.-S. Chiu, C. Collins, C. deGroot-Hedlin, R. Dziak, C. Fox, W. Hodgkiss, W. Kuperman, J. Mercer, W. Munk, R. Odom, M. Park, D. Soukup, R. Spindel, F. Vernon, and P. Worcester (2000): Long-term observations in acoustics—the Ocean Acoustic Observatory Federation. Oceanography, 13(2), 57–63.  
Cont #: 2219
Tivey, M.K., K. Bemis, A.M. Bradley, D. Butterfield, J.R. Delaney, K. Ding, R.P. Dziak, C. Fisher, C.G. Fox, S. Hautala, D. Jackson, H.W. Jannasch, H.P. Johnson, S.K. Juniper, D. Kadko, D.S. Kelley, M. Lilley, R.E. McDuff, P. Rona, J. Sarrazin, A. Schultz, W.E. Seyfried, Jr., R.E. Thomson, C.G. Wheat, W. Wilcock, D. Wright, and D. Yoerger (2000): The RIDGE Endeavour Segment seafolor observatory: Recent successes and an overview of coordinated experiments for Y2K. RIDGE Events [Submitted].  


Cont #: 2072
Baker, E.T., C.G. Fox, and J.P. Cowen (1999): In situ observations of the onset of hydrothermal discharge during the 1998 submarine eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(23), 3445–3448.  

Cont #: 2077
Fox, C.G. (1999): In situ ground deformation measurements from the summit of Axial Volcano during the 1998 volcanic episode. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(23), 3437–3440.  
Cont #: 2078
Dziak, R.P. and C.G. Fox (1999): The January 1998 earthquake swarm at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Hydroacoustic evidence of seafloor volcanic activity. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(23), 3429–3432.  
Cont #: 2079
Dziak, R.P. and C.G. Fox (1999): Long-term seismicity and ground deformation at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26(24), 3641–3644.

Cont #: 2048
Fox, C.G. and A.M. Bobbitt (1999): NOAA Vents Program GIS: Integration, analysis and distribution of multidisciplinary oceanographic data. In Marine and Coastal Geographical Information Systems, D.J. Wright and D.J. Bartlett (eds.), Taylor and Francis, London, 163–176.  
Cont #: 1807
Fox, C.G. and R.P. Dziak (1999): Internal deformation of the Gorda Plate observed by hydroacoustic monitoring. J. Geophys. Res., 104(B8), 17,603–17,615.
Cont #: 1972
Slack, P.D., C.G. Fox, and R.P. Dziak (1999): P wave detection thresholds, Pn velocity estimates, and T wave location uncertainty from oceanic hydrophones. J. Geophys. Res., 104(B6), 13,061–13,072.

Cont #: 2143
Gisiner, R.C. (ed.) and C.G. Fox et al. (1999): Proceedings of the Workshop on the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise in the Marine Environment. 10–12 February 1998, Marine Mammal Science Program, Office of Naval Research, 141 pp.  

Cont #: 1978
McDonald, M.A. and C.G. Fox (1999): Passive acoustic methods applied to fin whale population density estimation. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 105(5), 2643–2651.

Cont #: 2162
Moore, S.E., M.E. Dahlheim, K.M. Stafford, C.G. Fox, H.W. Braham, M.A. McDonald, and J. Thomason (1999): Acoustic and visual detection of large whales in the eastern North Pacific Ocean. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-AFSC-107, 27 pp.

Cont #: 2070
Stafford, K.M., S.L. Nieukirk, and C.G. Fox (1999): An acoustic link betweeen blue whales in the eastern tropical Pacific and the northeast Pacific. Mar. Mam. Sci., 15(4), 1258–1268.  

Cont #: 2091
Stafford, K.M., S.L. Nieukirk, and C.G. Fox (1999): Low-frequency whale sounds recorded on hydrophones moored in the eastern tropical Pacific. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 106(6), 3687–3698.  


Cont #: 1971
Baker, E.T., J.P. Cowen, C.G. Fox, and The Axial Response Team (1998): Axial Volcano awakes: Preliminary report of the detection of and response to the January, 1998, eruption at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge. RIDGE Events, 9(1), 1–5.  
Cont #: 1870
Fox, C.G. and R.P. Dziak (1998): Hydroacoustic detection of volcanic activity on the Gorda Ridge, February–March 1996. Deep-Sea Res. II, 45(12), 2513–2530.  
Cont #: 1842
Moore, S.E., K.M. Stafford, M.E. Dahlheim, C.G. Fox, H.W. Braham, J.J. Polovina, and D.E. Bain (1998): Seasonal variation in reception of fin whale calls at five geographic areas in the north Pacific. Mar. Mamm. Sci., 14(3), 617–627.  
Cont #: 1832
Stafford, K.M., C.G. Fox, and D.S. Clark (1998): Long-range detection and localization of blue whale calls in the northeast Pacific Ocean. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 104(6), 3616–3625.


Cont. # 1641
Dziak, R.P., C.G. Fox, H. Matsumoto, and A.E. Schreiner (1997): The April 1992 Cape Mendocino earthquake sequence: Seismo-acoustic analysis utilizing fixed hydrophone arrays. Marine Geophysical Researches, 19, 137-162. [FY97]

Cont #: 1836
Thomason, J., M. Dahlheim, S.E. Moore, H. Braham, K. Stafford, and C. Fox (1997): Acoustic investigations of large cetaceans off Oregon and Washington: NOAA Ship Surveyor (21 July–1 August 1994). NMML/PMEL 1994 IUSS Field Experiment, Final Report, January 1997, 27 pp.  


Cont. # 1688
Dziak, R.P., C.G. Fox, R.W. Embley, J.E. Lupton, G.C. Johnson, W.W. Chadwick, and R.A. Koski (1996): Detection of and response to a probable volcanogenic T-wave event swarm on the western Blanco Transform Fault Zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 23(8), 873-876. [FY96]

Cont #: 1752
NOAA Staff : Monitoring whales in the eastern north Pacific Ocean using Navy hydrophone arrays: A pilot study. Final Report to Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Integrated Underwater Surveillance System (IUSS) Pilot Study, 24 May 1996, 48 pp. + appendices.  

Cont #: 1754
NOAA Staff : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NMML/PMEL 1995 IUSS Field Experiment: Auriga Cruise, 14 June 1996. Final Report to Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Integrated Underwater Surveillance System (IUSS) Field Experiment, 54 pp. + appendix.  


Cont. # 1527
Dziak, R.P., C.G. Fox, and A.E. Schreiner (1995): The June-July 1993 seismo-acoustic event at CoAxial segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge: Evidence for a lateral dike injection. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(2), 135-138. [FY95]

Cont. # 1615
Embley, R.W., and C.G. Fox (1995): Detection and response to volcanic/hydrothermal events on the mid-ocean ridge. U.S. National Report to International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 1991-1994, Reviews of Geophysics, Supplement, 1307-1310. [FY95]

Cont. # 1526
Fox, C.G., W.E. Radford, R.P. Dziak, T.-K. Lau, H. Matasumoto, and A.E. Schreiner (1995): Acoustic detection of a seafloor spreading episode on the Juan de Fuca Ridge using military hydrophone arrays. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(2), 131-134. [FY95]

Cont. # 1601
Fox, C.G. (1995): Special collection on the June 1993 volcanic eruption on the CoAxial segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(2), 129-130. [FY95]
Cont. # 1529
Schreiner, A.E., C.G. Fox, and R.P. Dziak (1995): Spectra and magnitudes of T-waves from the 1993 earthquake swarm on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, 22(2), 139-142. [FY95]
Cont. # 1472
Sohn, R.A., J.A. Hildebrand, S.C. Webb, and C.G. Fox (1995): Hydrothermal microseismicity at the Megaplume site on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 85(3), 775-786. [FY95]


Cont. # 1459
Embley, R.W., R.A. Feely, and J.E. Lupton (1994): Introduction to special section on volcanic and hydrothermal processes on the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research, 99(B3), 4735-4740. [FY94]


Cont. # 1345
Fox, C.G., R.P. Dziak, H. Matsumoto, and A.E. Schreiner (1993): Potential for monitoring low-level seismicity on the Juan de Fuca Ridge using military hydrophone arrays. MTS Journal, 27(4), 22-30. [FY94]

Cont. # 1501
Fox, C.G., and S.R. Hammond (1993): The VENTS Program T-Phase Project and NOAA's role in ocean environmental research. MTS Journal, 27(4), 70-74. [FY94]



Cont. # 1394
Fox, C.G. (1991): NOAA plans for monitoring the northeast Pacific using fixed hydrophone arrays. In: Characterization of mid-ocean ridge earthquake activity using acoustic data from U.S. Navy permanent hydrophone arrays, Proceedings of a RIDGE Working Group Meeting, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, April 23-24, 1991, 48-64. [FY91]

Cont. # 1246
Hammond, S., E. Baker, E. Bernard, G. Massoth, C. Fox, R. Feely, R. Embley, P. Rona and G. Cannon (1991): NOAA's VENTS program targets oceanic hydrothermal effects. Eos, Trans. AGU, 72(50), 561, 565-566. [FY92]

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