NOAAVents ProgramAcoustics Program
  Monitoring the global ocean through underwater acoustics
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  Acoustic Monitoring Program: Links to other web sites  

Links are provided by subtopic. The links cited are those the Acoustics Monitoring Program have found to be the most pertinent to the research but not necessarily a comprehensive listing.

Topics: Ocean Seismicity | Acoustics | Marine Mammals


Ocean Seismicity:
OSU Seismology:

Hawaiian Volcano Observatory:

UW Seismology:

National Academy of Science's Underwater Acoustics
"Beyond the Ocean's Secrets" covers underwater acoustic principles, research and applications using sound in the ocean.

Cornell University Bioacoustics Research Program
Simple description of the program with links to ATOC page

Acoustical Society of America Animal Bioacoustics site
Excellent resource for bioacoustic career information, equipment, etc.

Italy's Universita degli Studi di Pavia's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research
EXCELLENT PAGE!!! Many sound files, good description of analysis techniques

Office of Naval Research (ONR) right whale page
description of use of existing Navy technology to detect right whales along the coast of the southeast U.S.  Good whale sound files and a right whale movie (CNN).

WhaleNet Sound Sources Sites
WhaleNet is an interactive educational project sponsored by Wheelock College in Boston, Massachusetts.  Good educational site with links to other sites with cetacean sounds.

The Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) project is using low-frequency sound to study global warming.  The marine mammal component of the project is studying the effects of this sound on marine species

North Pacific Acoustic Laboratory
A joint project of Scripps Institute of Oceanography and the Applied Laboratory at University of Washington to continue work begun in Kauai via the ATOC project. Site is primarily an EIS for the project.

Texas A&M Bioacoustics Laboratory
Site describes research associated with such projects as GulCet and ATOC.

Loughborough University Signal Processing Research Group
Basic information on hardware and links to other pages with information on marine mammals

The Cetacean Communication Project
Singapore group studying dolphin vocalizations (primarily in captivity).  Good diagrams of equipment.

Mark McDonald's website on passive acoustic methods for the study of large whales

Wildlife Web: Sounds of the Wild
great list of other acoustic links

Marine Mammals:
Society for Marine Mammalogy
the largest professional society of marine mammalogists; includes career information

NMFS Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports
includes distribution maps for U.S. Marine Mammal Stocks and stock assessments from 1996-2000. Scroll down page for links to regions.
Pacific Stock Assessment (draft 2000) (pdf)
Alaska Stock Assessment (draft 2000) (pdf)
Atlantic Stock Assessment (draft 2000)

NMFS Office of Protected Species page
Excellent background information on all marine mammal species protected by U.S. Federal laws; includes ESA and MMPA information

Virtual Whale Project
computer animation simulating feeding behaviors of Pacific humpback whales; good source of humpback feeding calls

WhaleNet Home Page
for students, teachers, public...also in Espanol! Excellent listing of other internet resources

American Cetacean Society Web Links page

Oregon State University Marine Mammal Research Program
satellite tracking of large whales, including animations of actual whale tracks

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