
In Memoriam

Edward Terhune LaRoe III
Senior science editor Ted LaRoe died of cancer October 19, 1994, having shepherded this report almost to its completion. Had he lived to see Our Living Resources published, he would not have lingered to bask in its accomplishment. He would have moved on to new projects, new plateaus, for Ted always had a vision, a sense of where he was going. He also had a vision for the National Biological Service, which he was instrumental in helping to create.
Ted was bright, creative, inquisitive, inspiring, and a man of many accomplishments. His scientific leadership was evident in his active role in issues relating to wetland science, global climate change, coastal resources, ecosystem-based management, and, of course, NBS. Above all, he was a champion of scientific integrity, which, we trust, is evident in this report. We hope he would have been pleased.
