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Featuring the latest information on ground-water and surface-water in the MD-DE-DC district.

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 Online Publication - WRIR 03-4119 print this page
 Home >> District Publications >> Online Publication - WRIR 03-4119
Preliminary Assessment of Microbial Communities and Biodegradation of Chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds in Wetlands at Cluster 13, Lauderick Creek Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland
By Michelle M. Lorah, Mary A. Voytek, and Tracey A. Spencer
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A preliminary assessment of the microbial communities and biodegradation processes for chlorinated volatile organic compounds was con-ducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in wetlands at the Cluster 13, Lauderick Creek area at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland. The U.S. Geological Survey collected wetland sediment samples from 11 sites in the Lauderick Creek area for microbial analyses, and used existing data to evaluate biodegradation processes and rates. The bacterial and methanogen communities in the Lauderick Creek wetland sediments were similar to those observed in a previous U.S. Geological Survey study at the West Branch Canal Creek wet-land area, Aberdeen Proving Ground. Evaluation of the degradation rate of 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane and the daughter compounds produced also showed similar results for the two wetlands. How-ever, a vertical profile of contaminant concentra-tions in the wetlands was available at only one site in the Lauderick Creek area, and flow velocities in the wetland sediment are unknown. To better evaluate natural attenuation processes and rates in the wetland sediments at Lauderick Creek, chemi-cal and hydrologic measurements are needed along ground-water flowpaths in the wetland at additional sites and during different seasons. Nat-ural attenuation in the wetlands, enhanced biore-mediation, and constructed wetlands could be feasible remediation methods for the chlorinated volatile organic compounds discharging in the Lauderick Creek area. The similarities in the microbial communities and biodegradation pro-cesses at the Lauderick Creek and West Branch Canal Creek areas indicate that enhanced bioreme-diation techniques currently being developed for the West Branch Canal Creek wetland area would be transferable to this area.

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USGS Water Resources Division MD-DE-DC
8987 Yellow Brick Road, Baltimore, MD 21237
Tel: 410-238-4200 | Fax: 410-238-4210
Last Modified Wednesday, October 6, 2004 by LL
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