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VAW Publications

  • What Communities, State and Local, Can Do: Promising Practices and Model Programs for Law Enforcement, Practitioners, and Victim Advocates.

  • Toolkit to End Violence Against Women offers best practices and other recommendations to assist localities in a web-based, user-friendly format to help readers pinpoint areas of interest.

  • Intimate Partner Violence, 1993 - 2001 (BJS - February 2003) Reports on trends in intimate partner violence of persons age 12 or older in the United States using data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) and the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports. Murder and nonfatal violent crimes are examined for male and female victims. This Crime Data Brief updates some of the data in Intimate Partner Violence, a more detailed report on this subject published in 2000.

  • Rape and Sexual Assault: Reporting to Police and Medical Attention, 1992-2000 (BJS - August 2002) This study provides the percentages of completed rape, attempted rape, and sexual assault of females that were reported to the police in 1992-2000 and the percentage of these victims who were injured and treated.
  • Fiscal Year 2002 Legal Assistance for Victims (LAV) Grant Recipients' Policy Guidebook Developed for LAV grantees, this guidebook contains LAV statutory language to which all LAV grantees must adhere and promising practices for victim service agencies and legal service providers to enhance delivery of quality comprehensive legal services to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
  • The Toolkit to End Violence Against Women developed by the National Advisory Council on Violence Against Women, which is co-chaired by the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services, was designed to assist individuals, policy leaders and community efforts to end violence against women. Comprised of 16 chapters, the Toolkit offers best practices and other recommendations to assist localities in a web-based, easily accessible, user-friendly format to help readers pinpoint areas of interest.
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Benchcard Addressing Misdemeanor Crimes of Domestic Violence and Federal Firearms Prohibitions
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Benchcard Addressing Protection Orders and Federal Firearms Prohibitions
  • Information for Victims of Trafficking in Persons and Forced Labor Describes acts which may constitute trafficking in persons and forced labor and encourages victims of trafficking to report their situation. Information about governmental and non-governmental resources for victims is provided. Available in [HTML or PDF]
  • Trafficking in Persons: A Guide for Non-Governmental Organizations Defines trafficking in persons and the federal laws which prohibit this form of trafficking. Describes services and benefits available through the federal government for which victims of trafficking may be eligible. Available in [HTML or PDF]
  • Documenting Domestic Violence: How Health Care Providers Can Help Victims (NIJ - September 2001) [Text or PDF]

  • Enforcement of Protective Orders (OVC - January 2002)
    Provides an overview of state laws and current issues related to the enforcement of protective orders. [HTML or PDF]

  • Strengthening Antistalking Statutes (OVC - January 2002)
    Provides an overview of state legislation and current issues related to stalking. [HTML or PDF]

  • Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Programs: Improving the Community Response to Sexual Assault Victims (OVC - April 2001) Describes the SANE program, designed to improve sexual assault medical evidentiary exams, and its value to victims and their communities. Information and resources to encourage individuals and agencies to explore starting a SANE program are provided.
  • Understanding DNA Evidence: A Guide for Victim Service Providers (OVC - April 2001) Discusses role of forensic DNA evidence in solving crimes, particularly sexual assaults and homicides. The growing significance of DNA evidence requires that victim service providers be trained to identify DNA evidence and to counsel victims about its importance in apprehending and convicting offenders and to support victims in cases where an offender's conviction is overturned due to DNA testing.
  • The Sexual Victimization of College Women (NIJ/BJS - December 2000) Assesses the extent and nature of the sexual victimization of college women. Based on the study findings, it is estimated that more than 350 rapes per year may occur on a campus with a population of 10,000 female students.
  • Nature, and Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence: Findings From the National Violence Against Women Survey (NIJ/CDC, 2000)
    Provides information on victimization rates among women and men about their experiences as victims of intimate partner violence (rape, physical assault, and stalking) from the National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS).
  • Intimate Partner Violence (BJS, 2000)
    Provides information on violence by intimates (current or former spouses, girlfriends, or boyfriends) from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
  • Access to HHS-Funded Services for Immigrant Survivors of Domestic Violence Fact Sheet from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) providing guidance on eligibility for programs and services funded by HHS. (Jan. 2001)
  • The Criminalization of Domestic Violence: Promises and Limits

  • Educating To End Domestic Violence: A Law School Report
    [HTML , Text, or PDF]

  • Responding to Domestic Violence: Where Federal Employees can find Help

  • Stalking and Domestic Violence The Third Annual Report to Congress under the Violence Against Women Act.
    [HTML, Text, PDF]

  • Collected Publications and Related Links at the National Criminal Justice Reference Service

    Help is available - Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or 1-800-787-3224 (TDD).
    National Sexual Violence Resource Center at 1-877-739-3895 (toll free) (24 hr access to information, resources, and research regarding sexual assault) NSVRC does not provide information regarding VAWA grants.

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