This is a graphic for the Office for Victim Assistance: Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
This is a graphic for the Office for Victim Assistance: Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
This is a graphic for the Office for Victim Assistance: Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
This is a graphic link to Who is a Victim?
This is a graphic for the Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
This is a graphic link to FBI Resources for Victims of Crime
This is a graphic link to Coping with Crime Victimization
This is a graphic link to National Resources and Hotlines
This is a graphic link to Victim Assistance Home Page
This is a graphic link to Headquarters and Programs
This is a graphic link to FBI Home Page
This is a graphic link to Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime
This is a graphic for the Office for Victim Assistance: Crime Victims' Bill of Rights
This is a graphic for the Office for Victim Assistance: Crime Victims' Bill of Rights

Under federal law [42 U.S.C. § 10606(b)],

"Officers and employees of the Department of Justice and other departments and agencies of the United States engaged in detection, investigation, or prosecution of crime shall make their best efforts to see that victims of crime are accorded the rights described:"

A crime victim has the following rights:

• The right to be treated with dignity and fairness and with respect for the victim's dignity and privacy.

• The right to be reasonably protected from the accused offender.

• The right to be notified of court proceedings.

• The right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the court determines that testimony by the victim would be materially affected if the victim heard other testimony at trial.

• The right to confer with the attorney for [the] Government in the case.

• The right to restitution.

• The right to information about the conviction, sentencing, imprisonment, and release of the offender.