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GFDL Global Climate Model (GCM)
[100 year run]

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    The GCM files we have available are from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory GCM. There are two simulations available, one is a control run with CO2 fixed, and the other is a transient run with equivalent CO2 initialized at the 1958 amount and increased approx. 1% each year thereafter. Both runs are 100 years long, with monthly resolution. The grid resolution is 48x40 on a gaussian grid.

    In addition, we have provided software that can be used to extract values for the grid points. The files are in IEEE format so some form of the accompanying program must be used to convert to ASCII.

Description of Dataset Files

    This dataset contains the following files...
    • readme - GCM information and software for IEEE to ASCII conversion. (3 K)
    • gcm.atm_control.precip - (9.3 meg.)
    • gcm.atm_control.temp_t9 - (9.3 meg.)
    • gcm.atm_oneper.precip - (9.3 meg.)
    • gcm.atm_oneper.temp_t9 - (9.3 meg.)
    • gcm.elevations - (25 K)
    • gcm.land_sea_mask - (25 K)

Data Access

Questions and Comments


    Manabe, S., R.J. Stouffer, M.J. Spelman, and K. Bryan, 1991: Transient response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to gradual changes of atmospheric CO2. Part I: Annual mean response. J. of Climate, 4, 785-818

    Manabe, S., M.J. Spelman, and R.J. Stouffer, 1992: Transient response of a coupled ocean-atmosphere model to gradual changes of atmospheric CO2. Part II: Seasonal response. J. of Climate, 5, 105-126

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Downloaded Saturday, 30-Oct-2004 06:32:39 EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, 23-Jun-2004 10:52:38 EDT by
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