Geophysical Fluid
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GFDL's home page > GFDL's library > My water quotes web page

Kirsten Findell's home page

Kirsten is still developing her web page.
Stay tuned for new and exciting developments....

You can e-mail me at or

Water Work

I work with The Climate Dynamics and Prediction group at The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, which is a global climate modeling center run by The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and closely tied to Princeton University's Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences.

I completed my Ph.D. in hydroclimatology at MIT's Ralph M. Parsons Lab. My advisor at MIT was Elfatih Eltahir.

My work is on land-atmosphere interactions: on understanding the role that the moisture condition of the land surface plays in determining rainfall and climate. To find out about papers that developed out of my thesis work, go to my thesis papers summary page. Or, if you want all the gory details, feel free to download my thesis. I also have a web page that describes some of the early work I did in grad school. The web page has never really been completed, but if you are interested, click here.

To look at my Cirriculum Vitae, click here.

Here are some good meteorological links.

And I'm collecting poems and quotes about water. Please send me contributions if you've got some good ones!

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