Bob Smith's Home Page

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
Princeton University, P.O.Box 308
Forrestal Campus, US Route 1
Princeton, NJ 08542 USA
phone: 609-452-6593
fax: 609-987-5063

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Diagnostic Results

BW-N45L18 - TG-T42L18 [Summer-Precip]
BW-N45L18 - TG-T42L18 [Winter-Precip]
BW-N45L18 - TG-T42L18 [Summer-OLR]
BW-N45L18 - TG-T42L18 [Winter-OLR]
AMIP-NCEP-N45L30 [20 - 90 day] [U200] 1982 - 1983
AMIP-NCEP-N45L30 [20 - 90 day] [U200] 1987 - 1988
AMIP-NCEP-N45L30 [20 - 90 day] [U200] 1997 - 1998

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Bob Smith ( Last Updated: Monday, January 18, 2001