This is a graphic for FBI Jacksonville

The Jacksonville Office is located at:

7820 Arlington Expressway, Suite 200, Jacksonville, Florida 32211
Telephone: (904) 721-1211

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The Jacksonville Division of the FBI serves part of the Central Florida region and all of Northern Florida. The FBI is the principal investigative arm of the United States Department of Justice, with over 11,000 Special Agents and over 16,000 Support personnel in 56 Divisions, over 400 Resident Agencies, and more than 40 foreign Legal Attaches.

The Jacksonville Division operates from its headquarters office on Arlington Expressway in Jacksonville, as well as from the Resident Agencies in Daytona Beach, Fort Walton Beach, Gainesville, Ocala, Panama City, Pensacola, and Tallahassee.

Executive Management of the Jacksonville Field Office:

Robert K. Cromwell

Michael A. Rodriguez

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. The FBI's investigative authority can be found in Title 28, Section 533 of the U.S. Code. Additionally, there are other statutes, such as the Congressional Assassination, Kidnaping, and Assault Act (Title 18, U.S. Code, Section 351), which give the FBI responsibility to investigate specific crimes.

1. Protect the United States from terrorist attack.
2. Protect the United States against foreign intelligence operations and espionage.
3. Protect the United States against cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes.
4. Combat public corruption at all levels.
5. Protect civil rights.
6. Combat transnational and national criminal organizations and enterprises.
7. Combat major white-collar crime.
8. Combat significant violent crime.
9. Support federal, state, county, municipal, and international partners.
10. Upgrade technology to successfully perform the FBI's mission.

The FBI operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m., to 5:00 p.m. If you need to speak with an FBI representative at any time you may call (904) 721-1211, and someone will assist you.

FBI Jacksonville's e-mail address is Although the E-Mail we receive is reviewed, the FBI does not guarantee a response to all messages.