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In Summer 2004 several coordinated experiments will study air quality, intercontinental transport, and radiation balance in air masses carried across the US, over the Atlantic, and onward to Europe. NASA is organizing the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment - North America (INTEX-NA). NOAA is organizing the New England Air Quality Study - Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation (NEAQS - ITCT) 2004.  And Europeans (U.K., Germany, and France) are organizing coordinated studies under Intercontinental Transport of Pollution (ITOP). The International Consortium for Atmospheric Research on Transport and Transformation (ICARTT) was formed to enhance the synergy between INTEX, ITCT and ITOP by planning and executing a series of coordinated experiments to study the emissions of aerosol and ozone precursors their chemical transformations and removal during transport to and over the North Atlantic.


AATS-14 will participate in INTEX and ITCT by flying on the twin turboprop Jetstream-31, based at Portsmouth, NH in July and August 2004.  Its goal is to help characterize aerosol radiative properties and effects in flights that sample polluted and clean air masses in coordination with measurements by other INTEX-ITCT platforms, including aircraft and a ship.

DATA Information:

Data Archive (LARC)
ICARTT Data Management Implementation Plan



ICARTT Study Planning Team Meeting, Boulder, CO, January 21 - 22, 2004

* Russell - MS PowerPoint presentation

ICARTT Science Team Meeting, Portsmouth, NH, July 19, 2004

* Russell - MS PowerPoint presentation

ICARTT Mid-Campaign Science Meeting, Durham, NH, July 24, 2004

* Russell - MS PowerPoint presentation


ITCT (NENA) proposal (pdf version)

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Responsible NASA Official: Phil Russell
Site Maintainer: Stephanie Ramirez

Last updated July-26-2004