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Many of the players in health care fraud schemes are people you'd never expect to be criminals:  doctors and pharmacists, nurses and physical therapists.  Health care frauds have risen astronomically, now costing government and private health insurers upwards of $95 billion a year.  Government health programs, like Medicaid and Medicare, are the targets for about 44 percent of this fraud.  Private insurers bear the rest.

Fraud has now infected virtually every facet of the health care industry.  From 1989 to 1992, 17 FBI field offices investigated pharmacy fraud in Operation Gold Pill.  They uncovered fake prescriptions, false Medicaid billings, unnecessary medical testing and the illicit sale of prescription drugs to street dealers and corrupt pharmacists.  Operation Gold Pill led to the arrest and conviction of over 200 pharmacists and others. 

People who file phony auto insurance claims and stage car accidents defraud our insurance companies of nearly $20 billion a year.  Translated, that means that you and I each pay $200 a year more for auto insurance to pay for these fraudulent claims.

In May of `95, the FBI and a host of other agencies arrested over 700 people in 40 cities as part of Operation Sudden Impact.  This 18-month undercover operation, which focused on false billings, is one of many cases combating this explosive problem.

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