The U.S. Probation Office for the Western District of Kentucky serves 53 counties in Kentucky, with headquarters in Louisville, and divisional offices in Bowling Green, Hopkinsville, Owensboro, and Paducah. Click here to find the office which serves your area.

[Bowling Green]





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The U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System: The U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System is a part of the federal judiciary. The system's mission is to investigate and supervise defendants and offenders. U.S. probation and pretrial services officers provide these services...[Continued]

Probation Officers: Did you know? In the 94 judicial districts nationwide, U.S. probation officers play an integral role in the administration of justice... [Continued] Pretrial Services Officers: Did you know? In the 94 federal judicial districts nationwide, U.S. pretrial services officers play an integral role in the administration of justice... [Continued]
Mental Health Treatment: What is mental health treatment in the federal probation and pretrial services system?... [Continued] Home Confinement: Arrested and charged with possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, William, a 30-year-old man with a history of substance abuse, awaits his "day in court," which is 3 months away... [Continued]
Substance Abuse Treatment: What is substance abuse treatment in the federal probation and pretrial services system?... [Continued] Benefits of Supervision: Did you know? More than 135,000 defendants and offenders who have been released to the community by the federal courts are currently supervised by U.S. probation and pretrial services officers... [Continued]
A Brief History: The history of the U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services System is a story of men and women struggling to professionalize their work,... [Continued] Community Service: Consider the following: A work crew spends a week in a national forest, clearing trails and constructing campsites...[Continued]