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Welcome to NOAA's Coral Health and Monitoring Program (CHAMP). Our mission is to provide services and information sources for researchers and the public in order to help improve and sustain coral reef health throughout the world.  In order to answer a variety of questions related to coral reefs and this program we have included an extensive listing of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).  If you are interested in receiving announcements, news and participating in ongoing discussions via email we also have our coral-list listserve available to you, currently serving over 2000 subscribers worldwide. These services and more can be accessed via the top menu navigation system as well as from our site map.

NOAA/OAR's CHAMP is now in the process of installing Coral Reef Early Warning System (CREWS) monitoring stations at all major US coral reef areas, according to recommendations by the US Coral Reef Task Force. These meteorological and oceanographic monitoring stations, as well as those in the SEAKEYS Network, provide near real-time data and information products. The CREWS Program is a part of a collaborative NOAA partnership called Coral Reef Watch.

assorted coral images


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Web Design, graphics and maintenance by Monika Gurnée, Webmaster
Site last modified: March 12, 2004