Census Bureau

Previously Issued Income Reports

o  Money Income in the United States: 2002 (P60-221) o  Money Income in the United States: 2001 (P60-218) o  Money Income in the United States: 2000 (P60-213) o  Money Income in the United States: 1999 (P60-209) o  Money Income in the United States: 1998 (P60-206) o  Measuring 50 Years of Economic Change Using the March CPS (P60-203) o  Money Income in the United States: 1997 (P60-200) o  Changes in Median Household Income: 1969 to 1996 o  Money Income in the United States: 1996 (P60-197) o  Money Income in the United States: 1995 (P60-193) o  Income and Poverty Statistics: 1994 (P60-189) o  Income and Poverty Statistics: 1993 o  Consumer Income Reports: (2001 to 1946)
Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Contact the Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division at (301)763-3242 or visit ask.census.gov for further information.
More Income Statistics Go to Poverty Statistics

Last Revised: August 26, 2004

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