U.S. Office of Government Ethics Introductory Courses For Ethics Practitioners COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Gifts Between Employees. This course will help you decide whether an employee may give or accept a gift from another Federal employee. You will determine who an official superior is, identify the general standards for gifts between employees, differentiate between the categories of gift exceptions, and discover the proper circumstances for soliciting and/or making contributions for agift. Course format includes lecture, practical exercises, independent reading, and case studies. (2 hours) Gifts from Outside Sources. This course teaches you how to decide whether an employee may accept a gift from someone outside the Government. You will determine what a gift is, ascertain whether the gift is from a prohibited source or given because of an employee's official position, see if any gift exceptions apply, and decide whether a gift exception may be used. Course format includes lecture, practical exercises, brainstorming, discussion, independent reading, and case studies. (3 hours) How to Identify Disqualifying Financial Interests. This course shows you how to identify disqualifying financial interests under 18 U.S.C. § 208. You will determine who § 208 applies to, what constitutes a particular matter, what personal and substantial participation involves, and the statutory meaning of financial interest. You will also find out what must happen for a matter to have a direct and predictable effect. Class format includes lecture, discussion, practical exercises, and case studies. (3 hours) How to Handle Disqualifying Financial Interests. This course picks up where the "How To Identify Disqualifying Financial Interests" course leaves off. You will learn how to handle disqualifying financial interests. You will suggest remedies to resolve a disqualifying financial interest and discover when to refer cases to the Inspector General and/or the Department of Justice. You also learn when and how to notify OGE of conflict of interest referrals. Course format includes lecture, practical exercises on each remedy, and several case studies. (3 hours) Misuse of Position. This course demonstrates how to advise an employee whether a proposed action or set of actions would be prohibited by the misuse of position standards. You will identify actions that may constitute misuse of position, determine which, if any, of the four misuse of position standards apply, and consider whether other standards of conduct subparts or other authorities may apply. You will also hear the details of some Merit Systems Protection Board cases involving disciplinary action for misuse of position issues. Course format includes lecture, discussion, practicalexercises, and a case study. (2 hours) OGE Form 450 Review. This course shows you how to review and analyze a completed OGE Form 450. You will find out which job aids can assist you in your review, how to review the report for technical completion and accuracy, how to perform a conflict of interest review, and how to remedy any technical deficiencies or conflicts of interest problems. Course format includes lecture, group discussion, practical exercises on each OGE Form 450 schedule, and a case study. (3 hours) Post Employment. This course teaches you how to decide whether an individual may participate in certain post-employment activities. You will find out when an employee left or intends to leave Government service or a high-level position, identify any proposed post-employment activities, determine whether the individual is/was a "senior" or "very senior" employee, decide which of the six § 207 provisions apply, identify the individual's Government duties, analyze whether thedescribed post-employment activities are prohibited, and determine whether an exception applies or a waiver may be appropriate. Course format includes lecture and practical exercises. The course also includes an exercise similar to a role play where students have to obtain and clarify pertinent facts in order to make a § 207 decision. (3 hours) SF 278 Review (Revised). This course demonstrates how to review and analyze a completed SF 278. You will find out what filers should report on each schedule, the resources reviewers may use to research a particular item on the SF 278, and the procedures for performing both a technical review and a conflict of interest analysis. Course format includes lecture, practical exercises and a case study. (3 hours) Seeking Employment. This course shows you how to analyze "seeking employment" situations. You will determine whether the employee is participating personally and substantially in a particular matter that would have a direct and predictable effect on the financial interests of a prospective employer, determine whether the employee's activity actually constitutes "seeking employment,"and identify appropriate remedies for possible conflicts. Course format includes lecture, brainstorming, practical exercises, independent reading, and case scenarios. (3 hours) Widely Attended Gatherings and Other Events Gift Exceptions. This course teaches you how to decide whether an employee may accept an invitation to attend an event sponsored by a source outside the Federal Government. You will analyze an invitation under the "Speaking and Similar Engagements" gift exception and an invitation under the "Widely Attended Gatherings" exception. You will find out what constitutes a gift of free attendance, and what conditions must be met for an employee to accept such a gift. Course format includes lecture, practical exercises, brainstorming, group discussion, and case studies. You will be asked to bring a real invitation one of your agency's employees has received. (3 hours) Training Program for Ethics Practitioners Anyone who works in the executive branch ethics program can receive free ethics training from the Office of Government Ethics (OGE). All introductory courses are taught by OGE desk officers who have a comprehensive knowledge of ethics issues, and advise agency ethics counselors on a daily basis. We use a step-by-step method of instruction, and give participants ample opportunity to apply what they've learned during class. OGE currently offers ten introductory courses in DC and other major cities throughout the United States. A description of each course is provided in this pamphlet. Training Courses and Seminars Posted at: http://www.usoge.gov/pages/training_wrkshops/training_wrkshps.html Training Administration Points of Contact: Sheila Powers, OGE Event Coordinator sapowers@oge.gov Gwen Cannon-Jenkins, Education Assistant gcannon@oge.gov U.S. Office of Government Ethics 1201 New York Avenue, NW Suite 500 Washington, DC 20005 www.usoge.gov February, 2002