Contact: Sheree Mixell or Tom Hill

For Immediate Release
June 16, 2004


ATF Honors Employees and Other Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Agencies for Their Work

WASHINGTON – ATF Director Carl J. Truscott recognized the accomplishments of ATF employees and other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies at the 8th Annual ATF Awards Ceremony held on June 15.

“We’ve come together today to recognize extraordinary performances of many kinds. We are rewarding people who are great at motivating their employees to do their best work, bringing complex projects to fruition, and putting myriad facts into the right order to perfect the case,” said Truscott. “We are honoring people who have faced danger with courage and integrity, who have shown uncommon valor, and who have given of themselves to meet the needs of others.”

The awards were presented in six categories among 94 recipients: Medal of Valor, Gold Star, Hostile Action, Distinguished Service, Director’s Award, and Employee of the Year Awards.

“Our awards today aren’t just limited to ATF employees. Federal, state and local law enforcement officers are essential to our efforts against violent crime and we’re recognizing them today as well. U.S. Attorneys and District Attorneys complete the process by prosecuting these cases. We all share a common mission so we share these honors,” said Truscott.

Those honored included:

The Director’s Award -- Presented to everyone at ATF and in federal, state, and local law enforcement who worked together on the Beltway Sniper investigation. ATF personnel from the Baltimore, Washington and Seattle Field Divisions; Laboratory Services; Information Services Division; and Office of Public Affairs were honored. Also recognized were the partner agencies who worked on the sniper case: FBI Baltimore and Washington Field Divisions and Critical Incident Response Group; United States Secret Service; and police departments from Montgomery, Fairfax, and Prince William counties; and the Prince William and Fairfax counties commonwealth attorney’s offices.

Distinguished Service Medal -- Los Angeles Field Division special agent was honored for his work in a 7-year investigation of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. Also recognized were special agents from the Phoenix, Los Angeles and Washington Field Divisions for developing cases against the Mongols, Hells Angels and Warlocks outlaw motorcycle organizations. The Colorado Springs Field Office was recognized for its Gun Interdiction Unit make up of ATF, the Colorado Springs Police Department and other localities to remove armed career criminals from the community. The City of Colorado Springs reports a 38 percent drop in violent crime between the formation of the unit and today. Colorado Springs is a safer community today because of this initiative.

Eleven (11) special agents were presented with the Hostile Action Awards for coming under direct fire by guns or explosives while on duty.

Employee of the Year Awards recognized 10 employees whose continuous, exceptionally high standard of performance or singular contribution greatly advanced ATF’s mission. Any ATF employee can nominate a coworker for any of the five Employee of the Year Award categories.
