Company logo; a stylized red castle, with the following text below: US Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District
Walla Walla District

Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Study

The Study

The Corps of Engineers, in response to the National Marine Fisheries Service 1995 Biological Opinion, Reinitiation of Consultation on 1994-1998 Operation of the Federal Columbia River Power System and Juvenile Transportation Program in 1995 and Future Years, is studying structural alternatives to improve the migration of juvenile salmon (listed under the Endangered Species Act) through the Lower Snake River Project.

Throughout the study process, we will define alternatives, provide a comprehensive evaluation, prepare a document for regional coordination, and prepare a document for Congressional authorization and appropriations.

The study includes engineering work; biological investigations (i.e., effects to salmon and steelhead, resident fish, and wildlife); effects on recreation, cultural resources, and water quality; and socioeconomic effects, including implementation costs, navigation, irrigation, and power. Also included is the development of an environmental impact statement and public involvement, both of which are essential to the National Environmental Policy Act process.

Study Objectives

The proposed alternatives include: 1) the existing condition; 2)maximum transport of juvenile salmon; 3) system improvements that could be accomplished without a drawdown; and 4) dam breaching.

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