Welcome to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Study emblem with stylized gold castle and map showing the US and Walla Walla District Boundaries

Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement

Final Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement

The following documents are final products of the Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Study. Viewing the pdf version of these documents requires the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded at no cost from www.adobe.com. The documents may be viewed from your computer screen, downloaded in their entirety, or downloaded by sections.

blue bullet  Order a copy of the study:

Final Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement

blue bullet Summary Document (pdf format)
blue bullet Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement - Part I
blue bullet Front Matter (Abstract, Table of Contents, Acronyms, and Abbreviations) (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Executive Summary (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 1 - Introduction (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 2 - Affected Projects and Programs (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 3 - Plan Formulation (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 4 - Affected Environment (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement - Part II
blue bullet Section 5 - Environmental Effects of Alternatives (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 6 - Plan Selection and Implementation (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 7 - Regional Coordination and Public Outreach (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 8 - Compliance With Applicable Federal Environmental Statutes and Regulations (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 9 - Literature Cited (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 10 - Glossary (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 11 - List of Preparers (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 12 - Distribution List (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Section 13 - Index (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix A - Anadromous Fish Modeling (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix B - Resident Fish (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix C - Water Quality (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix D - Natural River Drawdown Engineering (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex A - Turbine Passage Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex B - Dam Embankment Excavation Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex C - Temporary Fish Passage Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex D - River Channelization Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex E - Bridge Pier Protection Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex F - Railroad and Highway Embankment Protection Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex G - Drainage Structures Protection Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex H - Railroad and Roadway Damage Repair Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex I - Lyons Ferry Hatchery Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex J - Habitat Management Units Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex K - Reservoir Revegetation Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex L - Cattle Watering Facilities Management Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex M - Recreation Access Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex N - Cultural Resources Protection Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex O - Irrigation Systems Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex P - Water Well Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex Q - Potlatch Corporation Water Intake Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex R - Other River Structures Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex S - Potlatch Corporation Effluent Diffuser Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex T - PG&E Gas Transmission Main Crossings Modification Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex U - Hydropower Facilities Decommissioning Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex V - Concrete Structures Removal Plan (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex W - Implementation Schedule (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Annex X - Comprehensive Baseline Cost Estimate (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix E - Existing Systems and Major Systems Improvements Engineering (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix F - Hydrology/Hydraulics and Sedimentation (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix G - Hydroregulations (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix H - Fluvial Geomorphology (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix I - Economics (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix J - Plan Formulation (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix K - Real Estate (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix L - Lower Snake River Mitigation History and Status (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix M - Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix N - Cultural Resources (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix O - Public Outreach Program (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix P - Air Quality (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix Q - Tribal Consultation and Coordination (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix R - Historical Perspectives (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix S - Snake River Maps (pdf format or text format)
NOTE: If you encounter difficulties viewing any of the following drawing files,
reload Adobe Acrobat Reader.
blue bullet Annex A - 1934 Survey Drawings (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Drawings 1-11 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 12-23 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 24-35 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 36-47 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 48-59 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 60-71 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 72-83 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 84 -95 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 96-107 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 108-119 (pdf format)
blue bullet Drawings 120-131 (pdf format)
blue bullet Annex B - Pre- and Post-Dam Comparison Displays (pdf format or text format)

blue bullet Appendix T - Clean Water Act, Section 404(b)(1) Evaluation (pdf format or text format)
blue bullet Appendix U - Response to Public Comments (pdf format or text format)

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