Options Outlined in Four-H Working Paper

Options for Habitat

Option 1: Make modest improvements to protect and restore habitat, primarily through increased federal coordination and federal money.

Option 2:  Increase the efforts of state, tribal and local governments.  Increase federal funding of habitat improvements, particularly by tying funds to water-quality compliance efforts.

Option 3: Increase regulation by federal agencies on non-federal land, if state and local governments are unable to ensure adequate habitat restoration programs.

Options for Harvest

Option 1: Implement the recently completed Pacific Salmon Treaty. Hold harvest at 1999 levels with modest increases if fish populations go up.

Option 2: Implement the treaty.  Hold in-river harvest rates at the 1999 level until recovery goals are reached.

Option 3: Implement the treaty.  Further reduce harvest to "crisis levels" for 10 years and then shift to Option 1 or 2.

Options for Hatcheries

Option 1 Continue current mix of production for harvest and for boosting the number of wild fish.

Option 2: Continue production for harvest purposes and increase production of wild stocks.

Option 3. Substantially decrease production for harvest and increase production of wild stocks.

Options for Hydropower

Option 1: Continue present path of making improvements to the system.

Option 2: Substantially increase investment in physical improvements to the hydropower system.

Option 3: Breach the dams that block salmon passage in the Snake River.

Sample of Integrated Alternatives

Alternative A (Dam Removal)

Hydro Option 3 Breach lower Snake dams
Habitat Option 1 Increase federal program coordination
Hatcheries Option 1 Continue currently planned programs
Harvest Option 1 Increase harvest during recovery

Alternative B (Harvest Constraints)

Hydro Option 1 Continue currently planned programs
Habitat Option 1 Increase federal program coordination
Harvest Option 3 Increase conservation production; substantially decrease fish for harvest
Harvest Option 3 Further restrict harvest for 10 years

Alternative C (Aggressive Non-breaching)

Hydro Option 3 Aggressively increase non-breaching efforts
Habitat Option 2 Coordinate regional efforts
Hatcheries Option 2 Increase conservation programs
Harvest Option 2 Hold in-river harvests at 1999 levels

Alternative D (Maximum Protection)

Hydro Option 3 Breach lower Snake dams
Habitat Option 3 Increase federal regulation
Hatcheries Option 3 Increase conservation production; reduce production for harvest
Harvest Option 3 Increase harvest cutbacks