
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do you regulate nuclear power?
    No, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission does. Read more about them: www.nrc.gov

  2. What kind of energy sources do you regulate?
    Oil, Natural Gas, Hydropower and Electricity. Read more in: Energy We Regulate.

  4. How do you protect the public?
    FERC investigates energy companies and monitors energy markets to make sure they are operating within the law.

  5. Who appoints the Commissioners?
    The President with the consent of the Senate. Read more about that: What is FERC?

  6. Do taxpayer dollars pay for FERC?
    No, the Commission pays for itself by recovering costs directly from the industries it regulates through fees and annual charges.

  7. When was FERC created?
    In 1977. However, the Federal Power Commission, FERC's predecessor, began in 1920. Read more: History

  8. How is FERC connected to the Department of Energy?
    FERC is an independent regulatory agency within the DOE. Learn more about the DOE at www.energy.gov.

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