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INSS On-Line Occasional Papers

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Note: Occasional Papers are in .pdf format, except for #16


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Occasional Paper #57

Armed Groups: A Tier-One Security Priority,  by Richard H. Shultz, Douglas Farah. and Itamara V. Lochard, September 2004

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Occasional Paper #56

Carrot, Stick, or Sledgehammer: US Policy Options for North Korean Nuclear Weapons, by Daniel J. Orcutt, August 2004

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Occasional Paper #55

Perspectives on Arms Control, by Michael O. Wheeler, James M. Smith, Glen M. Segell, July 2004

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Occasional Paper #54

India’s Emerging Security Strategy, Missile Defense, and Arms Control, by Stephen F. Burgess, June 2004

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Occasional Paper #53 

The Worried Well:  Strategies for Installation Commanders, by Fran Pilch, April 2004

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Occasional Paper #52 

Violent Systems: Defeating Terrorists, Insurgents, and Other Non-State Adversaries, by Troy S. Thomas and William D. Casebeer, March 2004

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Occasional Paper #51 
Egypt as a Failing State: Implications for US National Security, by Ruth M. Beitler and Cindy R. Jebb, July 2003

blue ball Occasional Paper #50 
Effects, Targets, and Tools: A Primer for US Strategy and an Application Examining the Security Dynamics of Northeast Asia by Thomas A. Drohan, June 2003
blue ball Occasional Paper #49 
Arms Control without Arms Control: The Failure of the Biological Weapons Convention Protocol and a New Paradigm for Fighting the Threat of Biological Weapons by Guy B. Roberts, March 2003
blue ball Occasional Paper #48
View from the East: Arab Perceptions of United States Presence and Policy by Brent J. Talbot and Michael B. Meyer February 2003
blue ball Occasional Paper #47
Northeast Asia Regional Security and the United States Military: Context, Presence, and Roles, by Susan F. Bryant, Russell D. Howard, Jay M. Parker, and Albert S. Wilner, November 2002
blue ball Occasional Paper #46
Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Debunking the Mythology, by John T. Cappello, Gwendolyn M. Hall and Stephen P. Lambert, August 2002
blue ball Occasional Paper #45 
Squaring the Circle”: Cooperative Security and Military Operations, by Jeffrey D. McCausland, July 2002
blue ball Occasional Paper #44 
“All Our Tomorrows”: A Long-Range Forecast of Global Trends Affecting Arms Control Technology, by James M. Smith and Jeffrey A. Larsen, June 2002  
blue ball Occasional Paper #43
Lords of the Silk Route: Violent Non-State Actors in Central Asia, by Troy S. Thomas and Stephen D. Kiser, May 2002
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Occasional Paper #42

United States Military Space: Into the Twenty-First Century, by Peter L. Hays

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Occasional Paper #41

The Common European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP), by Edward G. Gunning, Jr., July 2001

blue ball Occasional Paper #40
US Policy Towards Secession in the Balkans and Effectiveness of De Facto Partition, by Evelyn N. Farkas, and  Improving US-Russian Relations Through Peacekeeping Operations, by Beth L. Makros, and Jeremy C. Saunders, June 2001
blue ball Occasional Paper #39
Aerospace Power in Urban Warfare:  Beware the Hornet's Nest, Peter C. Hunt, May 2001
blue ball Occasional Paper #38
Constraints, Restraints and the Role of Aerospace Power in the 21st Century, Jeffrey K. Beene, April 2001
blue ball Occasional Paper #37
The Rollback of South Africa's Biological Warfare Program, Stephen Burgess and Helen Purkitt, February 2001
blue ball Occasional Paper #36
The Arms Control Dog Won't Hunt:  Proposed Fissile Material Cut-off Treaty at the Conference on Disarmament, Guy B. Roberts, January 2001
blue ball Occasional Paper #35
Water:  The Hydraulic Parameter of Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa,  Stephen D. Kiser, September 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #34
Prospects for a Conventional Arms Reduction Treaty and Confidence-Building Measures in Northeast Asia, Bonnie D. Jenkins, August 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #33
Sharing the Knowledge:  Government-Private Sector Partnerships to Enhance Information Security, Steven M. Rinaldi, May 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #32
Cyberterrorism and Computer Crimes:  Issues Surrounding the Establishment of an International Legal Regime, Richard W. Aldrich, April 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #31
Indo-Russian Military and Nuclear Cooperation:  Implications for U.S. Security Interests, Jerome M. Conley, February 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #30
The Viability of U.S. Anti-Satellite Policy:  Moving Toward Space Control, Joan Johnson-Freese, January 2000
blue ball Occasional Paper #29
Overcoming Uncertainty:  U.S.-China Strategic Relations in the 21st Century, Walter Neal Anderson,  October 1999
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Occasional Paper #28
The Chinese People's Liberation Army:  "Short Arms and Slow Legs," Russell D. Howard,  September 1999
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Occasional Paper #27
Out of (South) Africa:  Pretoria's Nuclear Weapons Experience, Roy E. Horton, III, August 1999
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Occasional Paper #26
Interpreting Shadows:  Arms Control and Defense Planning in a Rapidly Changing Multi-Polar World, David R. King, June 1999
blue ball Occasional Paper #25
The Next Peace Operation:  U.S. Air Force Issues and Perspective's, William C. Thomas and Jeremy D. Cukierman, May 1999
blue ball Occasional Paper #24
Juggling the Bear:  Assessing NATO Enlargement in Light of Europe’s Past and Asia’s Future.  David S. Fadok, March 1999.
blue ball Occasional Paper #23
NATO: Potential Sources of Tension.  Joseph R. Wood, February, 1999.
blue ball Occasional Paper #22
Environmental Security in the Czech Republic:  Status and Concerns in the Post-Communist Era. Paul J. Valley, October 1998
blue ball Occasional Paper #21
Counterforce:  Locating and Destroying Weapons of Mass Destruction. Robert W. Chandler, Septmeber 1998
blue ball Occasional Paper #20
A Post-Cold War Nuclear Strategy Model. Gwendolyn M. Hall, John T. Capello, and Stephen R. Lambert, July 1998
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Occasional Paper #19
USAF Culture and Cohesion:  Building an Air and Space Force for the 21st Century. James M. Smith, June 1998
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Occasional Paper #18
Uncharted Paths, Uncertain Vision:  U.S. Military Involvements in Sub-Saharan Africa in the Wake of the Cold War. Dan Henk, March 1998
blue ball Occasional Paper #17
NATO Counterproliferation Policy:  A Case Study in Alliance Politics. Jeffrey A. Larsen, November 1997
blue ball Occasional Paper #16 (HTML format)
Threat Perceptions in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. William E. Berry, Jr., September 1997
blue ball Occasional Paper #15
Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References. Robert J. Bunker, July 1997 
blue ball Occasional Paper #14
Environmental Federalism and U.S. Military Installations: A Framework for Compliance. James M. Smith, June 1997 
blue ball Occasional Paper #13
Political-Military Affairs Officers and the Air Force: Continued Turbulence in a Vital Career Specialty. James E. Kinzer and Marybeth Peterson Ulrich, April 1997 
blue ball Occasional Paper #12
Russia's Crumbling Tactical Nuclear Weapons Complex: An Opportunity for Arms Control. Stephen P. Lambert and David A. Miller, April 1997 
blue ball Occasional Paper #11
Melancholy Reunion: A Report from the Future on the Collapse of Civil-Military Relations in the United States. Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., October 1996 
blue ball Occasional Paper #10
Weapons Proliferation and Organized Crime: The Russian Military and Security Force Dimension. Graham H. Turbiville, Jr., June 1996 
blue ball Occasional Paper #9
The International Legal Implications of Information Warfare. Richard W. Aldrich, April 1996 
blue ball Occasional Paper #8
Five Minutes Past Midnight: The Clear and Present Danger of Nuclear Weapons Grade Fissile Materials. Guy B. Roberts, February 1996 
blue ball Occasional Paper #7
Nuclear Proliferation: The Diplomatic Role of Non-Weaponized Programs. Rosalind R. Reynolds, January 1996 
blue ball Occasional Paper #6
Nuclear Proliferation: Diminishing Threat? William Kincade, December 1995
blue ball Occasional Paper #5
Economic Power in the Sino-U.S. Relationship. Kevin F. Donovan, December 1995 
blue ball Occasional Paper #4
Environmental Assistance as National Security Policy: Helping the Former Soviet Union Find Solutions to its Environmental Problems. Robert L. Dunaway, November 1995 
blue ball Occasional Paper #3
North Korea's Nuclear Program: The Clinton Administration's Response. William E. Berry, Jr., March 1995 
blue ball Occasional Paper #2
The Ukrainian Military: Instrument for Defense or Domestic Challenge? Oleg Strekal, November 1994 
blue ball Occasional Paper #1
Explaining Weapons Proliferation: Going Beyond the Security Dilemma. Gregory J. Rattray, July 1994 

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