Central Intelligence Agency, Director of Central Intelligence

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Online E-mail Form:

We read every e-mail we receive but with limited staff and resources, we simply cannot respond to all who write us.

We do not routinely respond to questions for which answers are found within this Web site.

If you have information which you believe might be of interest to the CIA in pursuit of the CIA's foreign intelligence mission, you may use the form below. We will carefully protect all information you provide, including your identity. The CIA, as a foreign intelligence agency, does not engage in U.S. domestic law enforcement.

If you have information relating to Iraq which you believe might be of interest to the U.S. Government, please contact us through our Iraqi Rewards Program .

Please Note:

  • We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption to ensure the privacy of any information you submit to us.

  • If you do not see text editing areas below, your browser does not support forms; return to the Contact Us page for information about contacting us by mail, phone, or fax.

  • Our form does not accept keyboard characters commonly used to illicitly enter computer systems. We sincerely regret the inconvenience. A list of valid characters you may enter follows each field of the form.

  • If you copy and paste text from other programs, the text often will contain characters we do not allow and which you may have difficulty finding and deleting. The characters most often at fault are quotation marks ( " ) and the "@" sign in e-mail addresses.

  • Non-English comment form: If you wish to submit comments in a language other than English, use our non-English comment form.

Your e-mail address (required if you want a reply):

Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, at ( @ ), dash ( - ), underline ( _ ), ampersand ( & ), and period  (. ).

Your name (optional):

Valid characters are A-Z, a-z, space, dash ( - ), period ( . ), and apostrophe ( ' ).

Your phone number (optional):
Valid characters are 0-9, period ( . ), and dash ( - ); the extension field may not contain more than 5 numeric characters.

Your fax number (optional):

Valid characters are 0-9, period ( . ), and dash ( - ).

Your purpose or reason for sending this message?

Select a purpose from the drop down menu.

Your message (10,000 or fewer characters):

There must be an entry in the message field for this form to be accepted. Valid characters you may enter are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, space, dash ( - ), period ( . ), apostrophe ( ' ), comma ( , ), ampersand ( & ), forward slash ( / ), left and right parens ( ), colon ( : ), semicolon ( ; ), underline ( _ ), question mark ( ? ), exclamation mark ( ! ), plus sign ( + ), and hard return/paragraph. A tab character is permitted only if copied and pasted from a text document.