National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration logo

Special-Needs NOAA Weather Radio
for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals

National Severe Storms Laboratory logo National Weather Service logo

Vincent T. Wood
National Severe Storms Laboratory
Norman, Oklahoma

James K. Purpura
National Weather Service
Norman, Oklahoma

1. What is NOAA Weather Radio?

2. What is the special-needs NOAA Weather Radio?

3. What are the weather alerting needs of deaf and hard-of-hearing persons?

4. What does the special-needs NOAA Weather Radio do in times of inclement weather?

5. Where can you obtain information on the special-needs NOAA Weather Radio?

6. In addition to using the Radio, deaf and hard-of-hearing persons should educate themselves on weather safety. Where can they learn weather safety?


Comments or questions about the Special-Needs NOAA Weather Radio may be sent to Vincent Wood or Jim Purpura.

Last updated on 12 March 2004.