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What We Do

NRC's primary mission is to protect the public health and safety, and the environment from the effects of radiation from nuclear reactors, materials, and waste facilities. We also regulate these nuclear materials and facilities to promote the common defense and security. NRC carries out its mission by conducting the following activities:

Commission Direction-Setting and Policymaking - policy formulation, rulemaking, and adjudication oversight activities performed by NRC's five-member Commission.

Radiation Protection - information about radiation and NRC's role in ensuring protection of the public and radiation workers.

How We Regulate - key components of our regulatory program--
Regulations and Guidance
  Guidance Development
  Generic Communications
  Standards Development

  Assessment of Performance

Licensing and Certification

Operational Experience
  Events Assessment
  Generic Issues

Support for Decisions
  Advisory Activities
  Adjudication (Hearings)

Emergency Preparedness and Response - integration of the NRC emergency and preparedness programs and response to a wide spectrum of radiological emergencies.

Nuclear Security and Safeguards - information on how we promote the common defense and security

Public Affairs - interactions with the media and the public

Congressional Affairs - interactions with Congress

State and Tribal Programs - cooperative activities and interactions with Federal, State, and local governments, interstate organizations, and Indian Tribes

International Programs - cooperative activities with other governments and the international nuclear regulatory community and licensing for nuclear imports and exports


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Last revised Thursday, September 09, 2004