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Crumbling Foundations

Information for Homeowners With Crumbling Foundations

Crumbling Foundations   reviewing foudnation

A Crisis Affecting More Than Three Dozen Towns Across North-Central Connecticut

In recent years, more and more homeowners in our region have discovered that their home foundations are crumbling due to the presence of a mineral called pyrrhotite in the stone aggregate originally used to mix the concrete. During this time, I have met with affected homeowners, participated in community forums, and discussed the matter with state and local officials from impacted regions. The high cost of repairs for homeowners, the prevalence of the problem in our region, and the economic impacts require a comprehensive response. I have worked persistently towards such a collaborative approach and I will continue to organize state and local officials, federal agencies, private industry, and other stakeholders to address this crisis head-on.

At the federal level, I have identified programs and resources that could be applied to fixing crumbling foundations, and have consulted with agencies including the Federal Trade Commission, Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, among others, to work towards finding an "all of the above" approach to handling this crisis.

Crumbling Foundation Meeting  (1)

Courtney speaks to a homeowners group about crumbling foundations in 2015