Request User ID & Password

Proceed to Use this form if:

The has never obtained a user ID & password for the Lobbying Disclosure Electronic Filing System. If you're not sure, call (202)224-0758 or lookup the Registrant by name.

All fields are required except where noted.

Stop! Do not use this form if:

  • The has previously registered any . If you're not sure, call (202)224-0758 or lookup the registrant by name.
  • You are an in-house lobbyist seeking an LD-203 user ID and password. If this is the case, please contact the LDA administrator in your organization or visit the Lobbying Disclosure Contributions Reporting website.
Type of Registrant
ZIP Code
Contact for Registrant
Prefix international numbers with '+' and [country code]. e.g., +00 111 22 33 44.

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