House Press Gallery

U.S. House of Representatives

Today's Votes

Roll call votes are completed for the day/week.

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The press gallery staff helps to facilitate coverage of the House for the daily print and online media in a variety of ways. The gallery staff provides access to and maintains work space in the Capitol, including a designated area in the House chamber overlooking the floor. The staff also provides detailed information about the legislative activities of the House, both current and historical, including live-tweeting the floor proceedings every day the House is in session and keeping numerous records. The staff also disseminates information about bills that are coming up for consideration, amendments, rules, and roll call vote tallies.

For committees and subcommittees, the staff compiles and distributes a daily list of hearings and mark-ups that are happening the next day. It is the duty of the press gallery staff to work with committee staff to ensure ample work space for reporters covering committee meetings, to keep reporters apprised of changing witness lists, and to help distribute copies of hearing testimony.

In addition to answering reporters' inquiries about House activity, the press gallery staff serves as a liaison to congressional staff about the media's operations, functions and needs. The Capitol work space has often served as a meeting ground where members of Congress, congressional staff, and reporters can talk on the record, off the record, or on background. The press gallery staff stands ready to familiarize congressional staff, members, House support personnel, and many others with the daily press gallery's operations, services, and the workings of the congressional press corps.