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As a fourth generation Californian running my own cattle ranch and pear farm, I have called rural California my home for most of my life. California feeds America and much of the world, and it’s important that we pursue policies that help family farmers pass on our way of life to the next generation...


My top three priorities in Congress are jobs, jobs, and jobs. Continuing our economic recovery from the Great Recession requires a commitment to fair trade deals, stopping outsourcing, and promoting American manufacturing through Make It In America policies. My work in Congress includes...


I believe all our students, from pre-kindergarten to the post-graduate university level, deserve every opportunity to advance and prosper. Indeed, our economy’s long term growth depends on a well educated, innovative workforce...


Protecting the natural beauty of California and our region is a priority of mine. I live on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, the largest estuary on the West Coast, and I am passionately in favor of preserving our natural heritage for fish and fowl, people and the planet. I am a conservationist and outdoorsman who supports preserving public lands, and I work closely with hunters and fishermen...

Fiscal Responsibility

Congress has the duty and obligation to be good fiscal stewards of the public treasury. Wasteful spending needlessly adds to our deficit and takes money away from vital services. Indeed, as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Interior Department under President Clinton, I shrunk the department while improving its management of public lands...

Foreign Policy

I believe that America’s reputation in the world is best strengthened by having a strong and capable military, smart diplomacy, and a commitment to human rights, democracy, and cooperation. As a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served in rural Ethiopia in the 1960s...

Health Care

I believe that quality, affordable healthcare is a right for all Americans. I served for eight years as the Insurance Commissioner of California, and I know for a fact that the for-profit insurance industry will do what it can to maximize its profits at the expense of consumers. As your Congressman, my health care priorities are to...


Congressman Garamendi supports the comprehensive immigration reform bill passed by the U.S. Senate in 2013, and he is an original cosponsor of the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act, H.R. 15, a House bill to finally deliver comprehensive immigration reform to America...

Make it in America

Congressman John Garamendi has authored numerous bills to bring back good-paying manufacturing jobs in America. Garamendi believes that when we “Make It In America” we provide a vital economic stimulus for our nation and help rebuild the middle class.

Military and Veterans

The 3rd Congressional District is home to Travis AFB, the largest air mobility organization in the Air Force, and Beale AFB, which is located in Yuba County and performs a vital intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) mission.


Every American who worked hard and played by the rules deserves to retire with dignity. All of us deserve the peace of mind that comes when basic necessities are covered through Medicare and Social Security. I have stood against Congressional Republican efforts to dismantle Medicare and privatize Social Security...

Social Justice

I believe America’s international strength and respect lies in its diversity and commitment to social justice. This is especially true in California, home to the most diverse population in America. All Americans, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or disability, deserve equal treatment under the law...

Transportation and Infrastructure

A nation cannot prosper if it doesn’t have an effective and efficiently-run transportation infrastructure. I believe investments in water, energy, education, and broadband priorities are also essential to create good jobs and keep America competitive in an increasingly globalized economy...


I’ve lived in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta community of Walnut Grove for more than three decades, and I understand that sound water resource management is required to make Northern California prosperous. I have been horrified by proposals by Republicans in Congress that would throw California’s economy into complete chaos...


When women succeed, America succeeds. That's why Congressman Garamendi supports policies that guarantee full economic and social equality for women, including freedom of choice, equal pay for equal work, and full equality and integration in our armed forces...