Illegal Immigration

The United States is a nation formed on the rule of law. Each year, however, hundreds of thousands of aliens deliberately violate our nation’s laws by unlawfully crossing U.S. borders. Today, there are an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants currently residing in the United States.

The consequences of illegal immigration are far-reaching:

  • Illegal immigration causes an enormous drain on public funds. Accommodating the needs of endless numbers of poor, unskilled illegal entrants undermines the quality of education, healthcare and other services for Americans.
  • American workers must compete against job-desperate illegal immigrants, unfairly depressing the wages and working conditions offered to legal residents.
  • Illegal immigration overwhelms communities by crowding classrooms, consuming already limited affordable housing, and increasing the strain on precious natural resources.
  • Illegal Immigration compromises our nation’s security, allowing potential terrorists to hide in the same shadows.

Controlling illegal immigration will require a full range of enforcement measures that go far beyond the border. That’s why I support comprehensive efforts to end illegal immigration, and that’s why, as your representative in Congress, I will continue to push Congress to implement the three major components of immigration control: deterrence, apprehension, and removal.


President Obama’s reckless immigration policies and unlawful executive amnesty orders have led to a staggering increase of 2.5 million illegal immigrants nationwide. The American people understand what a dangerous precedent this is - that's why I have consistently voted to use Congress’s constitutional power of the purse to put an end to the previous administration's failed policies. Today, with a President in the White House who appreciates American sovereignty, it is more important than ever for Congress to write legislation eliminating any and all incentives to come into our country illegally.

Sponsored and Cosponsored Legislation

H.R.3004 - Kate's Law

Also called “Kate’s Law,” this important piece of legislation builds on the foundation of H.R. 2942 and creates harsher penalties for illegal immigrants who unlawfully enter the United States after being deported. This law takes the name of Kate Steinle, a 32-year-old woman who died in San Francisco at the hands of an illegal immigrant who had previously been arrested and deported and then returned to commit criminal acts again.  

Over the past 20 years, Colorado taxpayers have spent more than $522 million to imprison illegal immigrants convicted of crimes, according to CBS Denver. The United States must make it crystal clear that those who are in our country illegally and choose to buy or sell illegal drugs, abuse a spouse or family member, drink and drive, or commit a litany of other crimes will not be treated lightly. That’s why I’ve been such a fierce advocate for Kate’s Law – because Colorado residents simply cannot afford to pay the price of Washington’s continued inaction in securing our borders and keeping our families safe.

H.R.2581 - Verify First Act

HR 2581, the Verify First Act, withholds Affordable Care Act subsidies from people until their citizenship is verified.


Previous administration policies and hold outs in the current administration are preventing authorities from doing their jobs. Detaining and deporting most illegal aliens remains a low priority of federal immigration authorities, who are resource-limited and forced to focus their efforts on targeting those with criminal convictions or on those who constitute a threat to the national security. The status quo is simply unacceptable – Congress must take action to secure our borders and stop illegal immigration.

Sponsored and Cosponsored Immigration Legislation

H.R.3003 - No Sanctuary for Criminals Act

HR 3003, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, targets states and localities that have "sanctuary" laws on immigration.

Denver and Aurora want to welcome you to your new neighbors: the tens of thousands of criminal illegal aliens who, despite having been detained for other crimes, are offered “sanctuary” in direct contradiction of federal law and the constitutional prerogative of the federal government to dictate immigration policy. If you live in Colorado Springs, just a quick drive up Interstate 25, you deserve sanctuary: sanctuary from criminals who drink and drive, buy or sell illicit drugs, commit rape, murder, and a litany of other crimes. The No Sanctuary for Criminals Act will force sanctuary states and cities across our nation to follow the law, making Colorado safer for all law abiding legal residents.


I oppose any measure granting Amnesty to those here illegally. Citizenship should be given only to those who treasure the United States and who have upheld American law and the United States Constitution.

Sponsored and Cosponsored Legislation

H.R. 3697Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act

This bill gives government more power to deport and deny admission to immigrants suspected of being in gangs.

Related Items

Federal Immigration Law Compliance Act of 2016 (FILCA)

More on Illegal Immigration

July 27, 2022 Press Release
“It is alarming that the Biden Administration would disregard the intent of section 1332 of the ACA and allow the state of Colorado to misuse this program to fund healthcare for illegal aliens. Subsidizing healthcare for illegal immigrants is unlawful and serves as a slap in the face to hard-working American taxpayers,” said Congressman Lamborn. “During a time when inflation is up over 9% and drugs and criminals are coming across our Southern border in record numbers, we should not be incentivizing illegal immigration. I thank Congressman Buck for his leadership on this critical issue and hope President Biden reconsiders this terrible decision.”
March 1, 2022 Press Release
“President Biden and the Democrats are incapable of responding to the crises they have created. Biden can’t keep turning to the far left. He must reach across the aisle so he can hold Putin accountable and fix the numerous problems we still face at home. Republicans stand ready to support legislation that returns America to energy independence, lowers taxes on the working-class, balances the budget, reinstates President Trump’s strong border security policies, stands behind our law enforcement, and demonstrates peace through strength.”
February 4, 2022 Press Release

Washington, D.C.– Congressman Doug Lamborn joined Congressman Ben Cline and 79 of their House colleagues in sending a letter to U.S.

April 29, 2021 Press Release

April 28, 2021 Press Release

Washington, D.C.- This evening, President Joe Biden, whose first 100-days in office have been nothing more than broken promises, radical policy, and empty rhetoric, delivered his first address to a joint session of Congress. 

Congressman Lamborn issued the following statement:  

April 21, 2021 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, the United States House of Representatives voted on H.R. 1333, the “NO Ban Act”. This legislation strips the President’s authority to deny entry to aliens if their entry would be detrimental to national interests. This comes on the heels of two Yemeni terrorists, who were on the most wanted list, being apprehended at the Southern Border.

Congressman Lamborn issued the following statement:

March 18, 2021 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, the United States House of Representatives voted on two pieces of legislation that would provide mass amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the United States. This comes at a time when our Customs and Border Patrol agents and our immigration system are completely overwhelmed. Even more concerning, illegal immigrants are being released into America even after testing positive for COVID-19. The first bill, H.R. 6 would provide green cards and a path to citizenship for millions of illegal immigrants, including violent gang members.

August 26, 2020 Press Release

Washington, D.C.- This week, Congressman Doug Lamborn penned an op-ed featured in the Washington Examiner, warning about the dangerous policies of the Democratic Party. 

What Joe Biden’s America would look like in 2021
By Rep. Doug Lamborn

May 4, 2020 Press Release
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Jim Banks (IN-03), Doug Lamborn (CO-05) and eight of their colleagues sent a letter to Secretary DeVos applauding her common-sense guidance directing universities to restrict limited coronavirus aid to American students and students legally residing in the United States.
March 20, 2020 Page



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