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August 18, 2020

Former congressman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) and Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Md.) served together as the chairman and ranking minority-party member of the House Select Permanent Committee on Intelligence.

As if 2020 weren't strange enough already, President Trump is considering pardoning Edward Snowden for stealing and leaking highly classified Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency documents in 2013. But the only way Snowden should return to the United States is to face prosecution for his actions.

February 21, 2020

Fresh off his acquittal – when the United States Senate sent a clear message that President Trump is, in fact, above the law – the President is behaving exactly as we should expect.

August 15, 2019

When it comes to national security, good intelligence is the best defense. The key to good intelligence is facts, data, unvarnished analysis, and no politics. That this bears repeating in today, as we face threats from domestic terrorism to nuclear weapons, is alarming to us as the former chairman and ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee.

July 29, 2019

It was the fall of 2007, and I was at a briefing with the Director of National Intelligence – at the time, Adm. Mike McConnell – and Melissa Hathaway, the director of the Joint Interagency Cyber Task Force. We huddled in a secure, windowless room in the U.S. Capitol. I wasn't surprised they were asking a member of Congress for money. I was surprised by how much they were seeking: about $17 billion.

March 2, 2019

Admittedly, neither one of us appreciated how fundamental space is to how we live and work until we served on the House Intelligence Committee.

We quickly learned that America no longer owns space. We operate there along with every other space-capable nation, including adversaries like China and Russia. We learned that they are doing everything in their power to interfere with our operations. We learned that future wars will take place in space.

And we quickly realized the grim truth that we aren't ready.

February 6, 2019

The National Security Agency is 31.2 miles from the front door of the White House.

When President Trump first came into office, I invited him to tour the agency located in my district at Fort Meade, Maryland, at his convenience. I often take new Members of Congress to NSA – I'm taking a group of freshmen next week, in fact – and it would make sense for our new Commander in Chief to want to see our country's signals intelligence headquarters and meet some of its people.

I never heard back.

January 4, 2019

If it wasn't already abundantly clear that President Trump has little regard for the federal workforce, it should be now.

December 14, 2018

There are tough votes, and then there are votes that break your heart.

My vote yesterday in support of a procedural rule to advance what's known as the Farm Bill was one that broke my heart. That's because members of the Republican Party's most conservative wing — with the approval of House Speaker Paul Ryan — snuck in a last-minute provision that would make it harder for Congress to end U.S. support of the Saudi coalition at war with Yemen. A war that is causing unspeakable suffering for the innocent people of Yemen.

November 16, 2018

The Trump administration originally dubbed the deployment of up to 15,000 active-duty troops to the southern border Operation Faithful Patriot. It's possible that the faith and patriotism of America's soldiers will be tested like never before.

Issues:Crime and JusticeEnergy and EnvironmentImmigration
November 16, 2018

You may have heard about the social media firestorm that erupted earlier this week between the National Rifle Association and doctors around the country. Responding to a position paper from the American College of Physicians that suggested a public health approach to gun violence, the NRA took to Twitter to urge "self-important" physicians to "stay in their lane."

Issues:Crime and JusticeHealthcare