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Legislative Priorities

tax form and coins
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger ran his own business, so he knows what it’s like to make a payroll and meet a budget. As Baltimore County Executive, he was required to submit a balanced budget for eight years and was repeatedly honored for his responsible financial management. Now in Congress, he believes the same common sense principles should be applied to the federal budget.

As a former county prosecutor, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger believes state and local law enforcement are the experts on how to best protect their citizens. In general, he defers to the wishes of the law enforcement agencies in his district when weighing federal judicial policy.

schoolroom desks and chairs
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger comes from a family of educators: his wife, mother, sister and sister-in-law were all teachers in the Baltimore area and his son-in-law is a university administrator. So he understands that investing in the future of all young people is the key to creating and sustaining jobs.

Wind turbine and blue sky
Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger feels honored to represent a state that is home to the Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay as well as a district that features hundreds of miles of shoreline. He has been recognized nationally for his commitment to conservation and sensible approach to energy policy.

Congressman Ruppersberger was nearly killed in a car crash while he was working as a prosecutor in Baltimore County. Saved by the doctors at Maryland’s University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center, he decided to run for office to give back to his community. He remains committed to making sure all Americans can access life-saving medicine.

Our country was built by immigrants seeking freedom and Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger believes our policies should reflect that heritage. But he doesn’t support amnesty and believes all immigrants should obey the laws of our country.

soldier saluting the US flag
As the son of a World War II veteran and the representative of two military bases, supporting our troops at home and on the front lines is a no-brainer for Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger. In fact, it’s something he has built a national reputation on.

As the son of an elderly parent, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger knows first-hand how important it is to protect our country’s most vulnerable citizens. His office devotes countless hours to helping Social Security and Medicare recipients understand the system and access the benefits they have paid for.