Social Security and Retirement

Every American should be able to enjoy retirement and live healthy, fulfilling lives without worrying about making ends meet.

Social Security is the single largest source of income for people aged 65 and older, and I am dedicated to protecting it and ensuring its survival. Working Americans have paid into Social Security their whole lives, and Congress needs to ensure that the program can meet the demands of a growing population of older Americans who are living longer.

In the 117th Congress, I am supporting Social Security by:

  • Cosponsoring the Social Security 2100 Act, which would raise benefits, increase the cost-of-living adjustments, cut taxes for the middle-class, and ensure that Social Security remains solvent,
  • Cosponsoring legislation to repeal the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) to make sure that people get the full amount due to them,

I will continue to advocate for the future of Social Security, ensuring that this vital program continues to be there to support all Americans.


More on Social Security and Retirement

August 24, 2021 Press Release
September 16, 2020 Page
September 16, 2020 Page
March 26, 2020 Press Release
October 2, 2013 Press Release
January 1, 2013 Press Release