
Autism Caucus

Coalition for Autism Research and Education Information.

Civil and Human Rights

I am a strong believer in safeguarding the rights of all Americans.

Climate Change, Energy, and Environment

We must move towards a cleaner energy future to fight climate change, have cleaner air and water, and lower energy bills.


If we want our region, our state, and our nation to thrive in the coming decades, we need to educate and train our citizens for the jobs that will be available in the future.

Foreign Policy and National Security

In our increasingly interconnected world, the foreign policies carried out by the U.S. Government impact all of us - either directly or indirectly.

Gun Violence

I firmly believe that there are policies the federal government can adopt to reduce the number of homicides committed in our country each year, and I am working actively in Congress to have them enacted into law.

Health Care

I strongly believe that all Americans should be guaranteed access to affordable, high-quality health care.


I am proud of our history of welcoming those pursuing better lives. Nevertheless, I know that our immigration system is in desperate need of real reforms. We must enact a compassionate, comprehensive reform that can appropriately address this situation.

Jobs and the Economy

Creating jobs and revitalizing Pittsburgh's economy has been my top priority throughout my service in Congress.

Local Issues

I direct a great deal of my attention to legislation that will improve our region specifically. Much of my work in Congress focuses on legislation addressing national issues – and of course, any legislation enacted by Congress affects the people of Southwestern Pennsylvania along with the rest of the country.

Safety Net Programs

I believe that we must support families who are straining in desperate situations by protecting the future of federal programs intended to help them.

Social Security and Retirement

I am committed to ensuring that Social Security continues to provide a guaranteed minimum income to older Americans.

Telecommunications and the Internet

Throughout my time in Congress, I have been especially interested in ensuring that federal policies in this sector truly promote competition and innovation in telecommunications services – and that those polices provide the greatest possible benefit to consumers through newer and better services and lower prices.


I am deeply committed to ensuring that our veterans receive the assistance they need and the benefits they've earned.  It's the least we can do to recognize the debt we owe the men and women who have served our country in the military.