
I believe that the United States has been made great by immigrants and I am proud of our history of welcoming those pursuing better lives. Nevertheless, I know that our immigration system is in desperate need of compassionate, comprehensive reform.

In the 117th Congress, I am working to:

  • Protect Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA), Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) beneficiaries by making them eligible for conditional permanent resident status,
  • Establish humanitarian standards for the treatment of migrants and asylum-seekers at detention centers,
  • Ensuring that employers aren’t gaming the system and ignoring qualified American workers.

I was opposed to the Trump Administration’s misguided and oftentimes cruel immigration policies, and I will be working with the Biden-Harris Administration to reverse:

  • Building a wall along our southern border, a misguided approach to national security,
  • The Trump Administration’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy, which detains and presses criminal charges against migrants and asylum-seekers at the border;
  • The Trump Administration’s family separation policy, which inflicts lasting harm on children,
  • The reduction in refugee admissions for those fleeing terror and violence in their home countries.

Democrats and Republicans must come together and work towards a fair solution to our immigration challenges.


More on Immigration

November 19, 2021 Press Release