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Taxes & Spending

Congress needs to manage their spending just like many hard-working, honest families and businesses back in Michigan who work every day towards maintaining their responsible bottom lines. In response to historic inflation, Congress must be judicious in decisions to spend and ensure that appropriated dollars are used efficiently.

Reduce Tax Burden

For too long, Americans were subject to a complex, burdensome tax code that has held back job creation and harmed Michigan families. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which I supported, implemented the first major overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years and delivered historic tax relief for workers, families and job creators in Michigan. Click here to watch my remarks on the House floor in support of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Combat Inflation

At a time of record inflation, we need to stop with the big-government, runaway spending coming from Washington. I opposed the inflationary American Rescue Plan and the misleadingly named “Inflation Reduction Act”. It is imperative that Congress refocus its attention upon inflation and growing jobs for hard-working families. To reverse the tide of inflation, I am a cosponsor of the Inflation Prevention Act which would prevent legislation estimated to increase inflation, until the year-over-year inflation rate is under a specified percent.

Balance the Budget

Federal Debt

I support an amendmentH.J.Res.3, to the Constitution that requires Congress not spend more than it receives in revenues, requires a 3/5 majority vote to increase the debt limit and requires the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress.

Get Rid of Government Waste, Increase Transparency

Congress needs to do a better job of identifying and stopping funding for ineffective programs that have lost their intended purpose or impact. In particular, I championed the bipartisan Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act, which mandated the creation of an online inventory of each federal agency’s programs, as well as provide basic information on what the program does and how much they cost. The Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act was signed into law in 2021.

Additionally, I have spearheaded efforts to cut government waste in federal grant making. The Grants Oversight and New Efficiency (GONE) Act requires federal agencies to take action to identify and close out thousands of expired grant accounts with a zero balance - an action which could save the government millions each year. The GONE Act was signed into law in 2016.

To provide greater transparency and help restore the integrity of the federal government’s rulemaking process, I am a cosponsor on H.R. 8703, REVIEW Act, which would postpose the effective date of rule costing the economy over $1 billion to allow for judicial review. This delay will curb overregulation by the Executive Branch and avoid unnecessary damage to the economy by regulations which are likely to be overruled in the courts. 

Line-Item Veto

We need to give the President the authority to single out wasteful spending items in legislation and send these specific line-items back to Congress for an up-or-down vote on whether to drop funding for these items.

Related Items

08/12/2022 - Walberg: Democrats’ Tax and Spending Spree Will Hurt Michigan Families
11/19/2021 -
Walberg: Pelosi’s Tax and Spending Spree is Too Costly and Extreme

02/27/2021 -
Walberg Opposes Pelosi’s $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill


Signed into Law: H.R. 3830, Taxpayers Right-To-Know Act
Sponsored Legislation:
H.R. 2266 COLA Act

Sponsored Legislation:
H.R. 1269 Social Security and Medicare Lock-Box Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R. 1776 – Regulations for the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R. 1712 – Death Tax Repeal Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R.25 Fair Tax Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.J.Res.3 Proposing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

Cosponsored Legislation: -
H.R.8369 To require the Executive Office of the President to provide an inflation estimate with respect to executive orders with a significant effect on the annual gross budget, and for other purposes.

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R.6733 Ban IRS Biometric Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R.6658 Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R.6485 Inflation Prevention Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R. 5586 Prohibiting IRS Financial Surveillance Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R. 2002 Let States Cut Taxes Act

Cosponsored Legislation:
H.R.8703 REVIEW Act