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Jobs and Economy

Tim Walberg Manufacturing

Creating long-term job growth in Michigan is my top priority in Congress. - Tim

Reducing barriers to employment and increasing Michigan's and America's global competitiveness are critical steps for encouraging high-skilled, good paying jobs that give American families peace of mind.

In my conversations with constituents and employers, it is clear that too many policies coming out of Washington make it difficult for Michigan’s businesses to grow and hire new employees.

Congress can support new jobs by reducing regulatory burdens on small businesses and encouraging them to innovate, expand, and create more job opportunities in their community. Taking the following practical steps will help us create long-term economic growth:

Fight Rampant Inflation

While some in Washington have introduced new, record-setting spending proposals that would exacerbate the inflation crisis, I have firmly opposed these bills. Additionally, I have cosponsored H.R. 6485 that would block any legislation the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates would increase inflation. Washington needs to be focused on helping Americans by lowering prices at the grocery store and gas pump.

Recover from the Coronavirus

America’s economy continues to recover from the challenges posed by COVID-19. I supported the CARES Act, which established the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This program played an instrumental role in helping small businesses keep their doors open. In July 2020, a report by the Small Business Administration showed the PPP program has helped keep 40,000 residents in Michigan’s seventh district connected with their jobs. To learn more about what Congress is doing to assist families, workers, and businesses during these unprecedented times, please visit: /cares-act

Reduce Tax Burden

In the 115th Congress, I voted to overhaul our broken tax code and pass H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law by President Trump.  The sweeping tax reform legislation was the first major overhaul of the tax code in more than 30 years and delivers historic tax relief for workers, families and job creators in Michigan. This reform puts more money into the pockets of hard-working families, creates more jobs at higher wages, and gets our economy growing again. Under the new tax code, the typical family of four earning the median family income of $73,000 receives a tax cut of $2,059. Click here to watch my remarks on the House floor in support of H.R. 1, and visit my tax reform page to learn more about how this law allows people to keep more of their hard-earned money while advancing economic growth and opportunity.

Expand Education and Workforce Development Opportunities

As a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, I’ve been working to ensure everyone has access to the best educational opportunities, which in turn will develop workers with the right skills and keep our nation competitive. I was a strong supporter of legislation to reauthorize the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act – legislation that has strengthened career training technical skills programs and increased access to meaningful careers that meet the workforce needs for over 30 years.  In July 2018, the President signed into law, H.R.2353,which reauthorized the Carl D. Perkins Act an made important update that will expand opportunities for more students and workers to enter the workforce with the skills they need to compete for in-demand jobs. 

Additionally, H.R.2353 contained language from my bill, H.R.2155, the New Hope Act, which gives states additional flexibility to identify, consolidate, or eliminate licensing requirements that pose an unnecessary barrier to entry for aspiring workers and provide limited consumer protection.

Finding Health Care Solutions

I continue to hear from families in Michigan who are paying more for health care while receiving less choice and reduced care under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. I am committed to reforming our health care system in a way that promotes consumer choice, and makes health care coverage more affordable and accessible. In doing so, we must ensure patients and families who suffer from a pre-existing condition are not left behind. For that reason, I support H.R.892, the Pre-Existing Conditions Protection Act. For more details on my efforts to strengthen our health care system, you may visit my health care page.

Reduce Harmful Regulations 

While some government regulations are important, excessive federal regulation stifles our nations’ job creators by creating an uncertain business climate.  Eliminating these burdensome regulations will encourage increased investment and new hiring. The first step Congress can take in fighting harmful regulations is to identify and eliminate current and pending regulations that hinder economic growth, while requiring Congressional review of any new regulations that will significantly impact our economy.

Promote American Trade 

We need trade policies that are free, fair and enforce trade laws that keep our trading partners accountable. The passage of USMCA is a victory for Michigan workers, farmers, and our economy.  This modernized deal puts Michigan in a stronger economic position, boosting our state’s manufacturing and agriculture sectors and ensure America remains a world leader in the 21st century.

Reduce Government Spending 

With a national debt exceeding $29 trillion dollars, we need to begin spending federal dollars like a responsible American family or business. I support an amendment, H.J.Res.3, to the Constitution that requires Congress not spend more than it receives in revenues, requires a 3/5 majority vote to increase the debt limit and requires the President to submit a balanced budget to Congress.


09/29/2021 – Walberg: We Can't Afford Pelosi's $5.5 Trillion Spending Spree
07/29/2021 – Walberg: Inflation is a Tax on Hardworking Families
04/14/2021 – Walberg: Shutting Down Line 5 Will Hurt Jobs, Economy

02/26/2021 – Walberg Speaks Against Pelosi's $1.9 Trillion Spending Bill
02/18/2021 – Walberg Works to Boost Broadband Access, Build Skilled Workforce
02/04/2021 – Walberg Opposes Pelosi's Partisan Budget
03/27/2020 – Walberg Supports Coronavirus Emergency Relief
02/05/2020 – Walberg Votes to Boost Great Lakes Funding