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All Americans have a right to quality, affordable health care, in the communities they call home That includes our communities who often lack access to care. In my time in congress I have advocated for policy that puts our gente first. The hardworking families of our country should not live in fear of the cost of a doctor's visit or life saving medication. 

As a cancer survivor, I know first hand how important it is to protect individuals with pre-existing conditions.  Everyone should receive the necessary care and medicine they need, regardless of their financial situation, job or zip code. For far too many people, receiving life-saving care often means acquiring crippling debt. That needs to change. It is why I support Medicare for All.  

I also strongly support fully funding and strengthening Medicare, Medicaid, and our nation’s network of community health centers.  These programs ensure that the most vulnerable Americans, including children, elderly, and low-income families have access to health care.  As we move toward universal, single-payer health care, I will tirelessly work to increase access, reduce cost, and invest in new, ground-breaking treatments that will save lives.

In New Mexico, we have felt the pain and suffering of the opioid epidemic for too long. One of the first initiatives I took in Congress was to co-lead the Opioid Patients’ Right to Know Act to help ensure doctors inform patients of the risks of opioids before writing a new prescription. In addition to this epidemic, I remain committed to improving access to quality health care services in our rural communities too. We need increased funding for our clinics and improved incentives for doctors to practice in rural areas.

As a member of the Mental Health Caucus, I am working to ensure that access to health care includes access to behavioral and mental health services. To build safer and healthier communities, it’s important that we improve care and treatment options for individuals and families who are suffering, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.