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As the first Latina to serve New Mexico’s third district, I recognize, applaud, and celebrate the women and girls who continue to build progress through their leadership. Latinas have the largest wage gap of any major ethnic group; they earn 57 cents for every dollar a white man makes. Moms earn 58 cents for every dollar Dads make. Women’s labor is also undervalued in the household: more than 65 million women provided unpaid care in the form of childcare, family care & eldercare during 2020. I carry the experiences of millions of women with me as I advocate and vote for legislation that brings us closer to a true and just democracy.

I am committed to continue building towards a world that the hermanas who came before me dreamed of. Trailblazing women like Nina Otero Warren, the suffragist and first Latina to run for Congress, Jeannette Rankin, the first woman actually elected to Congress, or Deb Haaland, one of the first Native American women elected to Congress, have worked tirelessly to ensure all of us could have a place at the table today. 

I believe we can achieve an equitable future when we stand strong and steadfast for equality and gender justice. We have passed historic provisions in the House, from how the military handles sexual assault to reproductive health freedoms. I voted for the Women’s Health Protection Act because I know every woman is capable of making her own medical decisions. I cosponsored the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act because I am committed to working to ensure that every woman receives the equal compensation that they deserve. 

Equal pay for equal work is not simply a women’s issue - it’s a family issue, it’s a civil rights issue. That’s why I voted for the Build Back Better Act, which provides historic investments in maternal care, paid family and medical leave, and childcare. We must build a beautiful America where women have health rights and ability to participate in our workforce knowing their children are cared for. It’s crucial that we invest in families so they can have greater financial security, rejoin the workforce, and grow the economy. Many parents, especially mothers, are still not back in the workforce. The lack of accessible childcare is hurting our communities and our economy. It’s time we make safe and affordable care available for all our children.