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Brady: Dems Go After Americans’ Bank Transactions with $600 IRS Reporting Requirement

December 06, 2022 — Blog

The Biden Administration is going after small independent businesses and the gig economy with their new $600 IRS reporting requirement, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) warned on “Kudlow” on Fox Business in a conversation with Larry Kudlow and Dr. Art Laffer. “This is part of the whole bank surveillance scheme,” Rep. Brady said.

President Biden Doubles Down on His War on American Energy

November 28, 2022 — Bidenflation

“When President Biden rammed through $300 billion or more in higher taxes, the bulk of it was on Made-in-America manufacturing,” Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on the Brian Kilmeade Show on Fox News Radio. Rep. Brady warns Biden’s tax hikes on American manufacturing leave families and businesses vulnerable to

Brady: We Don’t Just Have to Sit Here and Take a President Biden-Induced Recession

November 21, 2022 — Blog

A Republican majority will check President Biden’s extreme agenda, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on the “Journal Editorial Report” on Fox News. Rep. Brady said, “Part of that will be starting to make the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act permanent when it expires four years from now, laying the foundation for economic growth in a recession, ...

Brady: The American People are Putting Checks and Balances on Biden’s Extreme Agenda

November 15, 2022 — Bidenflation

American workers who were receiving a pay raise every month after Republican Tax Reform are now receiving a pay cut under President Biden, Ways and Means Republican Leader Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) said on “Kudlow” with Larry Kudlow on Fox Business. In a new majority, Republicans will push for more policies that deliver for workers and small businesses.