Republicans need the will to win

August 12, 2022
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Today, I voted NO on H.R. 5376, the Inflation, Recession, and IRS Army Act. This bill will do nothing to help inflation – in fact, it will only make this crisis worse.

This is the absolute last thing that Americans need as prices for gas, groceries, housing, and everything else are through the roof. This bill will be a disaster for our country, and the Democrats have long dreamed of inflicting this on the American people. This bill will decimate the American energy industry, pay for an army of IRS agents to go after middle-class families, and insert dangerous red tape and extra taxes into almost every gear of the American economy. It is an unmitigated disaster.

Part of my duty to my constituents and to the American people is to stop horrendous legislation like this from passing through all means available to me. I worked on an effort to plant a fatal defect in this legislation that would’ve opened an opportunity to destroy it via outside litigation. Sadly, not enough Republicans committed to the plan, and we were unable to make this effort a success.

I, and a group of my colleagues, were prepared to fight to win and prevent this bill from becoming law. I am grateful for their effort and their willingness to fight for the American people. However, I’m disappointed that we ran into resistance from multiple corners of the Conference. Too many Republicans talk the talk, but are not willing to walk the walk. Going forward, we need a Republican party that is willing to do what it takes to win.
