Bishop Votes Against Pelosi's Spending Spree

July 20, 2022
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-09) voted against Speaker Pelosi’s out-of-control spending spree that will only further our nation’s inflation crisis.


“Despite 9.1% inflation crushing American families, and a staggering federal debt that will rob future generations to pay for today’s follies, Speaker Pelosi is ramming through this $400 billion spending boondoggle. One year ago this week, President Biden assured Americans that inflation was ‘temporary.’ He could not have been more wrong, yet Democrats continue their insane spending spree. As Americans stare down the barrel of a potential recession, Congress must not continue to act in such a foolish and dangerous manner.” – Rep. Dan Bishop


This bill would shower liberal pet programs with billions of dollars in new spending, would fund abortion, and continues Democrats’ crusade against domestic energy production. Additionally, the bill includes double-digit percentage increases for agencies carrying out radical agendas like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), just to name a few.
