Bishop Votes Against Democrats' Latest Culture War Attack

July 19, 2022
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Dan Bishop (NC-09) voted against the Democrats’ misguided bill, the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, that seeks to federally legislate the institution of marriage.

“Democrats are engaged in a damaging culture war against anyone who dares to step out of line with the latest liberal orthodoxy. This bill is an attack on Americans who hold the view that marriage is between one man and one woman, continuing a long trend of Democrats’ attacks on conservative and religious Americans, whom they view as ‘deplorables’.”

“Democrats should be working to support American families. Instead, they’re working to undermine the traditional foundation of the family unit, one man and one woman, and fear-mongering to try and distract Americans from rampant inflation and domestic turmoil. As Democrats panic over the failure of their agenda and the worsening economic chaos enveloping American families, they are desperately flailing to turn the spotlight onto anything but their own failing record.” – Rep. Dan Bishop